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Lend/borrow, let/leave, teach/learn. Lend or borrow? Lend: to give temporarily Borrow: to take temporarily May I ____________ your book. I can ____________.

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Presentation on theme: "Lend/borrow, let/leave, teach/learn. Lend or borrow? Lend: to give temporarily Borrow: to take temporarily May I ____________ your book. I can ____________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lend/borrow, let/leave, teach/learn

2 Lend or borrow? Lend: to give temporarily Borrow: to take temporarily May I ____________ your book. I can ____________ you my eraser. Most people have to ___________ money from the bank to buy a home. I can ____________ a book from the library. Polonius: Neither a ___________ nor a __________ be.

3 Let or leave? Let: to permit Leave: to go away or allow to remain in place The parent ________ their child ________ their coat at home. The parents ___________ the room to __________ the teens play their music. I promise not to ____________ it outside.

4 Teach or Learn? Teach: to give instruction Learn: to get instruction Parents _______ their children the magic words. When did you _____________ to dance? Maybe you could ____________ me some dance steps. I will ____________ you how to make a new word out of EDWRAWON. Tell me how you _____________, so I know how to _____________ you.

5 Make your own sentences Make sentences that use the verbs lend, borrow, let, leave, teach and learn incorrectly. What can you change to make the sentence correct?

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