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Greek Alphabet and Roots. Greek Alphabet Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi.

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Presentation on theme: "Greek Alphabet and Roots. Greek Alphabet Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek Alphabet and Roots


3 Greek Alphabet Alpha Beta Gamma Delta Epsilon Zeta Eta Theta Iota Kappa Lambda Mu Nu Xi Omicron Pi Rho Sigma Tau Upsilon Phi Chi Psi Omega

4 Astron: star Astronomer: one who names the star Astronaut: star sailor Autos: self Autograph: writing the name of oneself Automobile: self moving Automatic: a machine that seems to think for itself

5 Biblios: of Books Bibliography: a list of books on a particular subject Bibliomania: craziness about books Bio: Life Biology: study of life Autobiography: written life story of one’s self Antibiotic: against living forms which invade the body

6 Chronos: Time Synchronize: do at the same time Chronology: relate events in time sequence Crypto: Hide Cryptogram: a message whose meaning is hidden Cryptograph: a system of secret writing

7 Demos: People Democracy: people power Demography: draw charts of information about people Geo: Earth Geography: draw the earth and write about it Geometry: branch of study on ways to measure the earth Geology: study of the earth and its formations

8 Graph: Write Telegraph: writing from far away Graphite: black carbon used for drawing or writing Hydros: Water Hydrogen: a gas which, when burned, produces water Hydroplane: a boat that glides on the surface of the water Dehydrate: to take water away

9 Hypnos: Sleep Hypnosis: sleep-like state Hypnos: god of sleep in Greek mythology Lithos: Stone Lithograph: picture drawn on stone Monolith: lone stone

10 Logos: study Zoology: study of animals Psychology: study of the mind Mania: madness Pyromania: a compulsion to set things on fire Kleptomania: an irresistible impulse to steal

11 Megas: large, powerful Megalomania: crazy person with delusions of greatness Megaphone: device for making a sound larger Metron: Measure Optometry: measure eyesight Diameter: measuring across Meter: unit of measure

12 Mikros: small Microphone: device for transmitting a small sound over distance Microwave: tiny electromagnetic wave between 1 and 100 centimeters long Microscope: instrument for looking at tiny things

13 Mono: one, alone Monocle: an eyeglass for one eye Monochrome: a painting or drawing in a single color Monogram: two or more letters interwoven into one Pathos: suffering, disease Pathetic: marked by suffering or sorrow Apathy: lack of feeling Sympathy: to feel what another feels

14 Phobos: fear, dread Phobia: irrational fear Claustrophobia: fear of enclosed or confined places Acrophobia: fear of high places Tele: far, far off Television: seeing distant things Telepathy: knowing how someone far away is feeling

15 Thermo: heat Thermal: relating to heat Thermometer: device for measuring heat

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