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EJ 2011 2011 Congress on Rural Education March 27-29, 2011 Saskatoon, Sk.

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Presentation on theme: "EJ 2011 2011 Congress on Rural Education March 27-29, 2011 Saskatoon, Sk."— Presentation transcript:

1 eJ 2011 2011 Congress on Rural Education March 27-29, 2011 Saskatoon, Sk

2 Welcome! Agenda 9:30 -10:30 AM Welcome, Icebreaker, Overview of Project 10:30 – 11:30 AM Rotation 1 11:30 – 12:00 PM Guest speaker Raquel Fletcher CTV News 12:00 – 1:00 PM Lunch, Activity 1:00 – 2:00 PM Rotation 2 2:00 – 3:00 PM Rotation 3 3:00 – 3:30 PM Wrap-up, clean-up

3 Project Overview What is eJournalism? Ejournalism began in Saskatchewan in 1999. A small school from Northern Saskatchewan embarked on a conference called Rural Education. Students from this high school covered this conference using a variety of media and technology. The provincial Learning Technology Unit provided assistance. Realizing the power of this learning, the LTU decided to take it a step further and look for schools who were interested in this type of experience. A legacy began.Learning Technology Unit 

4 eJournalism Sk

5 PVSD eJournalism

6 eJ 2011 Saskatoon – March Funding by Rural Ed/PVSD Evolution of eJ in Sask. Way to teach students to use technology Journalism skills more/less emphasized Technical skills more ingrained eJ as enrichment opportunity eJ as career springboard

7 eJ 2011 Congress on Rural Ed Hosted by various Sk agencies (Universities, LEADS, Ministry of Ed) TCU Place - downtown Saskatoon Focus on “Many Faces of Leadership” Aimed at trustees, school and system administrators, postsecondary instructors, researchers involved in rural ed Keynote speakers and concurrent sessions on many topics Exhibitor booths No shortage of eJ opportunities!!!

8 eJ 2011

9 Six sessions Pre-conference (Group introduction) Sunday night (Conf. opening, Connie Kaldor, Reception) Monday morning (Keynote, Breakouts) Monday afternoon (Breakouts) Monday night (Banquet) Tuesday morning (Keynote, Breakouts)

10 eJ 2011 Expectations Professional dress and behaviour Courtesy and respect for eJ team mates Diligent attention to work and deadlines …? Oh, yeah... HAVE SOME FUN!!!!!!!!!!

11 FOIP Act F reedom of I nformation and P rotection of P rivacy Act NO images, sounds, quotations, etc. may be used in any published media without written consent of everyone identifiable Meant to protect individuals from misuse of personal attributes Important for us to respect at all times FOIP in place as of today

12 Training Sessions/Groups Print – Robin Berg Photo – Melissa Hansford Video – Andre Boutin- Maloney

13 Training Sessions/Groups Group 1 Sarah Sierra Alex Mitchell Group 2 Megan Mackenzie Jesse Eric Group 3 Victoria Lucas Ben Aaron

14 Technical Questions? Logging in Saving data Home folders – NO! Shared folders Printing Back-up procedure ???????????

15 Other business Team name? Logo? Social Network presence? Next steps? Other?


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