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Breakout sessions 13:15-14:45Five Breakout sessions 1.Atmosphere – Walsh/Elliot 2.Sea Ice/Ocean – Proshutinsky/Flato/Gerdes 3.Terrestrial/Permafrost –

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1 Breakout sessions 13:15-14:45Five Breakout sessions 1.Atmosphere – Walsh/Elliot 2.Sea Ice/Ocean – Proshutinsky/Flato/Gerdes 3.Terrestrial/Permafrost – Verseghy/Hinzman/Cherry 4.Ice sheet/Glacier – Holland 5.Biogeochemistry/Ecosystem – Wolf-Gladrow/Steiner/Elliot 14:45–15:15 Break 15:15-16:30 Presentations from breakout sessions 16:30-17:30 Floor discussion – David Carlson/Larry Hinzman Co-ordinating international efforts in Arctic System Modeling

2 Questions for breakout sessions Purpose –Communicate progress in the individual fields –Gain better understanding of the different field’s needs and potential in a coupled set-up What can your field gain and provide by being part of a coupled system model? –Better process/feedback descriptions? –Important on what time scales? Online/offline coupling –Integration of “emerging components” and human dimension modelling. –Integration with observational effort s –Integration with global system modelling –Organizational structures

3 Understanding of coupled processes –Albedo (influenced by … permafrost, vegetation, marine biology, …) Future climate projections … 1. What Science questions can best be answered with coupled Arctic regional climate models? Science questions missing from existing plans? 2. What modelling and model validation efforts to address the above are planned/exist?

4 Experiments under controlled (large scale) conditions Higher resolutions than possible in a global model...... in your model component? 3. Boundaries for the 'Arctic System' for respective research areas: What are the opportunities and limitations due to a limited Arctic model domain?

5 4. How are observations incorporated into model development and how can the link be improved? 5. Would regional modelling efforts benefit from an international, centralized method for sharing model output for intercomparison and for sharing validation data and validation code/methods? Problems with point observations Need for integrated data sets Satellite obs partly difficult to apply Need for better reanalysis? Need for assimilation methods easy to apply? Model-assisted observations? …

6 Transfer of parameterizations? –Towards universal parameterizations? Nesting? Data exchange? … 6. What interactions are there between regional modelling and global modelling in your field of research? Would projects benefit from a community- coordinated program for obtaining data from and sharing model output with a global modelling community?

7 ”emerging” = new to the classical core system (atmosphere, ocean, sea ice, soil) Ice sheet, vegetation, atmospheric chemistry, bio- geo-chemistry, marine biology, ecology, human dimension, …? … 7. What plans are in action for including emerging modules into existing regional arctic models?

8 What parts of the human dimension is currently modelled? Which approaches exist to assess economic or HD consequences of Arctic climate change? In what way can projections of future climate used for economic models/human dimension models? Different ways for downscaling … 8. What human dimension modelling is being done in conjunction with physical modelling? 9. What are possible interface strategies for collaboration between natural-science modelling and research on adaptation and human living conditions?

9 Define the type of coupling –Fully interactive? –One-way? On what time scale? For what kind of study? 10. What level of interaction between components is desirable? 10.1. What is the benefit of interactive coupling on the complete system? 10.2. Which other components should your component be coupled to? 10.3. On what time scale is interactive coupling/one-way coupling useful? - for your component - for other component

10 Breakout sessions 1. Atmosphere – Walsh/Elliot 2. Sea Ice/Ocean – Proshutinsky/Flato/Gerdes 3. Terrestrial/Permafrost – Verseghy/Hinzman/Cherry 4. Ice sheet/Glacier – Holland 5. Bio-geo-chemistry/Ecosystem – Wolf-Gladrow/Steiner/Elliot Rooms?

11 Breakout sessions 13:15-14:45Five Breakout sessions 1.Atmosphere – Walsh/Elliot 2.Sea Ice/Ocean – Proshutinsky/Flato/Gerdes 3.Terrestrial/Permafrost – Verseghy/Hinzman/Cherry 4.Ice sheet/Glacier – Holland 5.Biogeochemistry/Ecosystem – Wolf-Gladrow/Steiner/Elliot 14:45–15:15 Break 15:15-16:30 Presentations from breakout sessions 16:30-17:30 Floor discussion – David Carlson/Larry Hinzman Co-ordinating international efforts in Arctic System Modeling Session leaders, please provide report

12 Let’s work

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