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1 Faculty Meeting Budget Presentation January 24, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Faculty Meeting Budget Presentation January 24, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Faculty Meeting Budget Presentation January 24, 2011

2 Fall 2010 Long Term Model Projections 2

3 Starting Long-Term Model Outcomes 3

4 Budget Committee Actions Operations expenditure reductions Faculty & Staff compensation increase reduced Utility and Food Service increase reduced Additional $250K in Access Scholarships not funded to preserve international student funding Additional students added as smoothing is phased in Improvement in annual fund projections 4

5 Prior Budget Relief Proposal Discussions Operations budget reductions Implement additional R3 action (strategic planning) Wage increase reductions Add new summer programs Delay PDA restoration Staffing reductions Delay 5-course teaching load restoration Reduce financial aid Smooth enrollment across terms Reduction in international student financial aid Significantly increase enrollment (100+) 5

6 Current Long-Term Projections 6

7 Fee Sensitivity (FY2013-2016) (lower increase by 1%/year) 7

8 Compensation Sensitivity (FY2013-2016) (Increase by 1% per year) 8

9 Lower Fee with Increased Compensation 9

10 Faculty Salary 10

11 FY2012 Proposed Budget 11

12 Discussion Topics Do you agree with the proposed phase-out of Access scholarships (subject to monitoring of yield rates by AFAC), using those monies to fund international scholars (with no special emphasis on Asia?) What should Carleton’s long-term priorities and objectives be over the next 5-10 years? What should our budget priorities (tuition, compensation, financial aid, profile of entering class, etc.) be over the medium (say, 5-year term)? 12

13 Discussion Topics - Continued What trade-offs between these budget items do you think we should consider, and by what process should we make decisions about them? What things should we consider cutting (or reducing the growth of) over that same period? 13

14 14 Breakout Discussion

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