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RAH Day 13 Agenda Goal – To understand how and why JFK was elected, the role of the Cold War and to evaluate his presidency. To understand the LBJ used.

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Presentation on theme: "RAH Day 13 Agenda Goal – To understand how and why JFK was elected, the role of the Cold War and to evaluate his presidency. To understand the LBJ used."— Presentation transcript:

1 RAH Day 13 Agenda Goal – To understand how and why JFK was elected, the role of the Cold War and to evaluate his presidency. To understand the LBJ used JFK’s death to push through the Great Society Complete pp 15 about Kennedy’s New Frontier Did Kennedy’s policies work to advance the agenda from his inaugural address? Read p 16-17 – summarize Sorenson’s appraisal of JFK. Do you agree? – explain why by Citing two quotes from Sorensen and connect to two facts you learned from your text book. Complete p 18 about the Great Society and the Warren Court Review of Johnson’s Great Society, analyze chart text p 687 – Analyze extent of success of the Great Society - Conclusions?

2 Kennedy’s Administration Elected with small margin – had to be ride the fence b/t liberal and conservative Non-committal on civil rights Idealistic but very much a cold warrior Challenged the nation to be better at home and abroad Took up civil rights after mid-term election and experience, especially after Cuban Missile Crisis.

3 Page 15 - The New Frontier The New FrontierThe New Frontier Page 15 - The New Frontier The New FrontierThe New Frontier ProblemsWhat can gov’t do?Laws and programs enacted economic recession spend money run deficits cut taxes Increased defense spending, raised minimum wage, extended unemployment $, aid to cities through Area Redevelopment Act poverty abroadvolunteerism and US technical and financial aid Alliance for Progress w/South America, Peace Corps, US Agency for International Development (USAID) soviet in spacegov’t spending on space through NASA JFK called on US to land on Moon orbital program (Glenn 1962) satellite program, (Telstar 1962) moon program, (Armstrong 1969)

4 4 – JFK’s reforms rejected by a conservative Congress– civil rights act, blighted cities act, medicare, aid for educationconservative Congress 5 – JFK’s late ideas not put through Congress because he died– Civil rights act, tax cut, assault on povertydied

5 LawResults 1. Tax Reduction Act 1964 1.Encouraged people and businesses to spend money 2. Civil Rights Act ‘64Ended segregation in public facilities & sex/race discrimination in business, hiring 3. Economic Opportunity Act ’64 Youth programs, job corps, VISTA, Head Start, small business loans, community action programs helped people and communities alleviate problems of povertypoverty tablepoverty table 4. Elementary & Secondary Education Act (1965) Money for school districts to buy books and improve special education 5. Medical Care Act 1965 Medicare - Health care money for elderly Medicaid - Health care money for poor 7. Immigration Act 1965End quota by region – max for each country @ 20K The Great Society

6 The Warren Court Rulings Case 1.Brown v Board of Ed. of Topeka Kansas – (1954) 2.Baker v Carr- (1962) 3.Mapp v Ohio (1961) 4.Gideon v Wainwright (1963) 5.Escobedo v Illinois (1964) 6.Miranda v Arizona (1966) Results of ruling 1.Ended de jure (by law) segregation in public schools 2.Ruled that the federal courts can become decide disputes over the fairness of congressional districts and required that districts be equal in size of population – one person one vote. 3.Ruled that the 4 th Amendment warrant rules apply to the states 4.Ruled that criminal defendants will be provided lawyers by the state 5.Ruled that suspects get lawyers during questioning, as well as trial 6.Suspects must be notified that they have the right to not incriminate themselves and to a lawyer

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