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Merijn Bellekom Christina Manteli Ales Sturala Vassilis Boucharas.

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Presentation on theme: "Merijn Bellekom Christina Manteli Ales Sturala Vassilis Boucharas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Merijn Bellekom Christina Manteli Ales Sturala Vassilis Boucharas

2  Hotel reservation website system  Database of hotel rooms and reservations  Hotel has multiple room types, bed types  Single bed, double bed, first-class, second-class  Allow multiple days reservations  The system will return available options  If no exact matches are available, it will offer alternatives that approximate user's preferences

3  A hotel has  Multiple rooms  One or more room types (first class, second class)  One or more beds per room  One type of bed per room

4  List of bookings  Each booking has  One start date and one end date  Number of rooms  One or more room types  Type of bed per room

5  System will convert user input into class:  Bookings  BookingDetails+  DateFromreservation start date  DateToreservation end date  Rooms+list of rooms  RoomType?optional, first class/second class/etc  NumOfBedsnumber of beds  TypeOfBeds?optional, single/double/etc

6  Database contains information about hotel rooms  Database contains details of existing bookings

7  The system retrieves Rooms from the database that are not already booked on specified date range  The system will display multiple available Options for the desired booking(s)  Match satisfies requirements exactly  Option is near-match for requirements  System prefers Matches over Options  When Matches are available, user will not care about less-fitting Options - so hide those

8  System will return list of Options/Matches  Option  DateFrom  DateTo  Rooms+  RoomNumber  RoomType?  NumBeds  TypeBed?  Option satisfies some requirements  Match IsA Option, satisfies all requirements

9  Option matches some requirements  Must match start date, end date  Must match number of beds (or higher)  May match other requirements  Match matches all requirements

10 Sorting of results:  Prefer (exact) Matches over (nonexact) Options  If multiple Matches exist, don't display Options  If no Matches exist, display Options  Prefer cheaper Matches/Options over more expensive ones  Limit results to manageable number (e.g. 5 or 10) Each result is selectable Submit button to booking and checkout page Bookings are saved in the database


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