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IBL Insertable B-Layer
ATLAS Italia / Referee Roma, July 14th 2010 G. Darbo – C. Meroni INFN / GE – MI On behalf of INFN IBL Agenda:
Outline Status of the IBL project
With focus on INFN related activities Status of the Technical Design Report (TDR) Schedule Consolidation of the Physics & Performance case for IBL Interim-Memorandum of Understanding Cost, resources, sharing Richieste finanziarie e attività 2011
IBL Detector Material from Raphael/Neal IBL Specs / Params
The present 7 m long section of the beam-pipe will be cut (flange too big to pass inside the existing pixel) and extracted in situ. The new beam-pipe with the IBL inserted at its place. PP1 Collar Sealing service ring Alignment wirers IBL Specs / Params 14 staves, <R> = mm. CO2 cooling, T < 0.2 W/cm2 X/X0 < 1.5 % (B-layer is 2.7 %) 50 µm x 250 µm pixels 1.8º overlap in ϕ, <2% gaps in Z 32/16 single/double FE-I4 modules per stave Radiation dose 5x1015 neq/cm2 IST IBL Support Tube IBL Staves
LHC Plans & IBL Milestones
LHC plans (ATLAS “interpretation”) Have a phase I and II Phase I when 30÷50 fb-1 Accumulate 300÷400 fb-1 on phase I Agreed with CERN management to have phase I shutdown in 2016 (unofficial yet). IBL design specification (Lint, L) Life integrated of 500 fb-1 R/O: peak LVL1=100kHZ IBL Milestones FEI4 submission : 6/2010. sensor choice 6/2011. FEI4 Version 2 eng. Run 9/2011. first prod module 11/2012 last prod module 9/2013. Stave loading completed (incl. 3 months cont) 6/2014 End of integration (incl. 3 months cont) 5/2015 IBL installation 5/2015 – early 2015 Installation possible, but no contingency. LHC Ref. M. Nessi
FE-I4 submitted on July 1st at 14:00 (GMT) More than 2 years of engineering work for a team of >15 Engineers/physicist Largest HEP chip ever! 20.2x19.0 mm2, 87 million transistors! IBM accepted all the waivers, tomorrow the WRB at IBM will discuss the waivers and tell us the risk. Fabrication time is weeks. An expected delivery date will be provided 1-2 weeks after submission. 60 Known Good Dies / wafer. Money contributions collected following interim-MoU share. Engineering run cost > 500kCH 16 8-inch wafer expected 60 KGD / Wafer 16 Wafers 20.2 mm FE-I4 FINAL LAYOUT 87M TRANSISTORS! Engineering Team: At Bonn Tomasz Hemperek, Michael Karagounis, and Andre Kruth; at CPPM Denis Fougeron, Fabrice Gensolen, and Mohsine Menouni; at Genova Roberto Beccherle; at LBNL Julien Fleury (visiting from LAL), Dario Gnani, and Abderrezak Mekkaoui; and at NIKHEF Vladimir Gromov, Ruud Kluit, Jan David Schipper, and Vladimir Zivkovic. Students: David Arutinov (Bonn), Bob Zheng and Frank Jensen (LBNL) Physicists: Marlon Barbero, Maurice Garcia-Sciveres 19.0 mm
Module Prototype Program & Test Beam (GE, PI, TN, UD)
Sensors and IBL activities merging Test beam coordination & analysis between IBL and Sensor R&D EUDET telescope used by Planar, 3D and Diamond sensors: 3 µm resolution! Common order and plans for FE-I4 prototype modules, bump-bonding at IZM. INFN contribution to the cost: 9k€ GE, TN and UD focusing on 3D, PI part of the planar prototyping Once sensor technology will be decided, INFN will contribute to production ∞ Test beam Coordination within IBL WG1 Residual from EUDET extrapolation to 50µm pitch pixels (single hit clusters). FBK-Irradiated 3E sensors (*) Planar Sensors PI Flat top: High telescope resolution ATLAS Collaborations for sLHC R&D IBL 3D Sensors GE, TN, UD 50µm Diamond Sensors Preliminary
3D Sensor – Recent results(*)
Lorentz B = 1.6 T) 3D sensors from FBK irradiated to 1015 – 5 x 1015 neq/cm2 Karlsruhe: 26 MeV protons Ljubljana: reactor neutrons Lab & Test Beam measurements (*) Very good efficiency at neq/cm2 (preliminary) Not full 3D devices… Full 3D in development at FBK Planar: ΘL = -7.4º ± 0.4 3D: ΘL = 0º Angle = 0º Eff. = 99.0% p-irradiated devices (dose = 1015 neq/cm2) Angle = 15º Eff. = 99.9% (*) Credits: June 2010 beam and lab tests name list M. Borri, M. Boscardin, L. Bosisio, V. Cindro, G.F. Dalla Betta, G. Darbo, C. Da Via, B. DeWilde, Su Dong, C. Gallrapp, C. Gemme, H. Gjersdal, P. Grenier, S. Grinstein, P. Hansson F. Hugging, A. La Rosa, A. Micelli, C. Nellist, S. Parker, H. Pernegger, O. Rohne, A. Rovani, K. Sjobaek, K. Tsiskaidze, J. Janssen, J.W. Tsung, N. Wermes.
FBK – 3D Sensors for IBL IBL Design (slim and active edge):
3D sensor with slim edge (200µm) and full through columns. DRIE (Deep Reaction Ionizing Etching) is stopped by a 0.7µm membrane. In process 200 and 230 µm thick wafer batches. Expected wafers Oct.2010 Active edge, with support wafer. Wafer end of the year. Wafer floorplan has 8xFE-I4, 9xFE-I3, CMS, ... Planar Sensor 3D Sensor FBK 3D wafer for IBL 700nm DRIE stopping membrane FBK DRIE: 200÷230 µm x 12µm
Indium Bump Bonding (MI, GE)
Indium BB at Selex (technology option, SiAg at IZM baseline) Selex qualified for small FE-I3 need to change the process to FE-I4 First attempt with dummy was partially succesfuls Need to upgrade the flip-chip head and change pressure/temperature of the process Test with scan chains -> with FE-I4 if successful. X-ray of FE-I4 size dummy bumped to dummy sensor 4 Pixels shorted 6 Pixels shorted 8 Pixels shorted 164 Pixels shorted Dummy sensor Dummy FE
ROD (BO + GE) Redesign the ROD (Read-out Driver) architecture starting from the Pixel design: Reason: components obsolescence, bottle neck of the Architecture, complexity in debugging due to mixed DSP / FPGA environment. Smart Idea: Move the embedded processing used for calibration (4 DSP/Board) to standard PC: use GB-ethernet Responsibilities: BO the ROD board, FPGA, PowerPC Programming GE electrical-BOC to connect to FE-I4 modules without opto-link (debug the initial system) INFN responsibility
Flex Hybrid Design (GE)
Stave flex (technology / test demonstrator) Final layout made at GE submitted to CERN PCB workshop: in production 5 Cu layers and 1 Al layer (for LV) Total thickness = 0.45mm (Designed) Impedance = 80Ohm Several additional designs Single layer module flex, test boards, Simulation of the full chain undergoing at GE Simulation of transmission: CLK/DT-IN (40 MHz, multipoint) Simulation of transmission: DT-OUT (160 Mbps, multipoint) EOS Wing Bus (10mm wide)
PP2 Redesign (MI) IBL needs new Power Distribution System:
Increase of current per channel worst case (up to ~ 4A) Solution: use two LDO (low drop outputs) / channel with current limit Controller board to improve the existing design (new FPGA) Collaboration between Milano and Barcellona FPGA: same ACTEL family but need to qualify for radiation tolerance PP2 Crate Regulator Board Controller Board
Pipe ID/OD [mm] Omega Thickness [µm] Foam Density [g/cm3] Coolant X/X0 [%] Thermal Figure of Merit (Γ) [ºC•cm2/W] Bare Stave with Coolant Full layer (+ Module + Flex) CF pipe, heavy foam 2.4 / 3.0 150 0.55 C3F8 0.48 1.056 17.25 CF pipe, light foam 0.25 CO2 0.36 0.956 18.56 Ti 3mm pipe, light foam 2.8 / 3.0 300 0.66 1.276 2.79 Ti 2mm pipe, light foam 2.0 / 2.2 0.57 1.166 3.22 Baseline Design baseline defined: Ti cooling pipe with CO2 cooling. Prototyping and test Many prototypes made Status: finalizing base line design Major technical contributions from MI and ~1/3 of the project under financial responsibility of INFN
IBL Technical Design Report Status
TDR: Status & Schedule Motivation for delay in TDR printout:
LHC machine plans after Chamonix, luminosity profile, machine shut-downs impacted on IBL TDR. Need of better documentation of Physics performance for the TDR ATLAS EB "IBL physics and performance taskforce” (M. Elsing, A. Andreazza) The TF will reinforce the efforts to ensure the completion of the IBL performance studies for the IBL TDR by end of August. TDR draft (Schedule) First draft circulated to selected readers, comments received, being implemented. Second review by experts: mid July. TDR draft ready for distribution to IBL Collaboration: 2nd week of August Final TDR ready: 4th week of August Submission to LHCC: 1st week of September IBL (Staves) Ed Moise IBL in the Physics Simulation & in the Engineering CAD Rendering Existing B-layer Iourii Gusakov IBL (Staves)
Physics & Performance TF
consolidate and extend present studies single particle performance (pions and muons) tracks in jets (100 and 500 GeV di-jets, top, WH) primary vertexing with high lumi. Pileup b-tagging, especially redo high-pt jets studies study different pileup scenarios zero, 1034, 2*1034 and 3*1034 luminosity estimate efficiency and fake rate vs lumi demonstrate how IBL helps for robust tracking in jets, with fakes, … add emulation of Pixel/SCT readout problems study robustness of tracking and how IBL recovers performance Status IBL geometry existing, motecarlo production ongoing Checking results on single tracks, tuning jets and vertexing TDR editing… keep deadline!!!
IBL Performance (TF Results)
Simulation shows: Clear improvement in impact parameter resolution (plot 1) Specially in the region pT<10 GeV, that in ATLAS is dominated by multiple scattering 50% improvement of rejection power in b-tagging (plot 2) Performance are stable even if existing b-layer is off (plot 3). Plot 1 (top events) Plot 1 Light jets rej. Plot 3 IP resol.
Interim-Memorandum of Understanding
Memorandum of Understanding
IBL Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) Between The ATLAS COLLABORATION, and Funding Agencies/Institutions of the ATLAS Collaboration constructing the IBL (for the ATLAS construction was between Institutes and CERN). The MoU comprises all of the actions needed to construct and commission the IBL. The operation and maintenance of IBL is not a part of the present MoU and will be included, following its completion, within the M&O MoU framework. (IBL once delivered will be part of the Pixel Detector) Annexes define: work sharing and responsibility, cost contribution, project organization and management structure. IBL interim MoU – Why an interim MoU? Ad Interim MoU until sensor technology is chosen (Planar Silicon / 3D Silicon / Diamond) - Decision on sensor technology (Spring 2011) – Sensor R&D and IBL communities work in tight collaboration to finalise a design matching IBL specification. Consolidate interest of Institutes and availability of funds
Development of Interim-MoU
IBL (interim)-MoU Status: “IBL Kick-off” meeting (8/7/2009) Institutes express their interest in the IBL based on project WBS (Workpackage Breakdown Structure). Institute Board created with the Institutes interested in the project Extended Pixel IB (Meetings: 1/03/2010 and 18/06/2010) Defined sharing of work, cost amongst Institutes/Funding Agencies (i-MoU annexes) All project is covered by resources – need x-check with Funding Agencies (FA) Status Collecting feedback from FA on funding and general project support Going to sign the interim-MoU? INFN (BO, GE, MI, UD) Quite active in the project, very good synergy and collaboration keeps up INFN visibility.
Institutes and Contributions to IBL
Technology options refer to supplementary costs that are sensor technology specific and will be known before the definite MoU takes effect. 42 Institutes in the interim-MoU (few others are “observers” ). 14 Countries + CERN 9.7 MCH total project cost Note: the numbers in the table "are not final, nor are the suggested financial contributions yet firm, but are meant for a common overall discussion.”
INFN Contribution to IBL
Total IBL cost: 9741 kCH Total INFN contribution: 1400 kCH (14.4 %) 1047 kCH CORE 354 kCH M&O-A in-kind ~100 kCH presently on M&O-A could be deducted from INFN if cables (assigned as work responsibility) becomes in-kind contribution.
INFN Contribution to MoU Items
Resources and deliverables are summarized in the two tables
2011 – Programma attività INFN, richieste finanziarie, responsabilità, milestones RICHIESTE FINANZIARIe
BOLOGNA Attività 2011: Sviluppo PCB prototipo ROD.
Sviluppo firmware FPGA e software PowerPC del ROD porting software da DSP (old Pixel ROD) a PowerPC Test bench per sviluppo software TDAQ del ROD (Crate e Single Board Computer – SBC)
GENOVA Attività 2011 Sviluppo prototipo funzionale Flex Hybrid per lo stave e per il modulo Disegno versione 2 del FE-I4 (sottomissione Autunno 2011) Catena alta tensione: Test della catena completa di alta tensione con PS, cavi a PP1, Flex hybrid, sensore Si sta discutendo di installare I cavi nell Shut Down 2012/13 – sono su M&O-A, potrebbero essere presi in-kind (stima ~40÷50 kCH). Sviluppo prototipo & test dei moduli: in vista della produzione (2012) del 50% del totale Sviluppo scheda BOC (back of crate card) elettrico per leggere moduli con ROD senza opto-link (per QC RoD, test-beam, system test, produzione moduli…). In collaborazione con BO e gruppi tedeschi (BOC)
MILANO Attività Milano 2011: Prototipaggio e preproduzione stave
Modifiche schede regolatori PP2 (differenti specifiche FE-I4: VDD , IDD ), scheda controller PP2 (nuova FPGA da qualificare con irraggiamento), backplane Sviluppo bump-bonding con Selex (alternativa technologica alla IZM)
TRENTO (Dot.1 PD) Attività 2011: Simulazione sensori in 2 D e 3D
layout sensori 3D (slim e active edge), layout maschere bump-bonding Test strutture su wafer sensori 3D: prima e dopo irraggiamenti
UDINE Attività 2011: Sviluppo sensori 3D insieme a UD e TN (fase di prototipaggio), Bump-bonding di FE-I4 con sensori 3D Test-beam, irraggiamenti sensori 3D Pre-produzione sensori (tecnologia da decidere a metà 2011)
Sommario Richieste e Responsabilità IBL
Responsabilità nel progetto IBL: Giovanni Darbo: IBL Project Leader L1 Danilo Giugni Stave WG Coordinator L2
Milestones INFN Milestones – ATLAS IBL:
IBL -Test beam di rivelatori con chip FE-I4 30/4 IBL - Scelta baseline per i sensori 31/7 BL - produzione e test prototipo ROD/BOC 31/10
Conclusions IBL planned to be completed by 2015
CERN/Experiments agree on a shutdown in 2016 TDR is progressing and documenting the technical design of the IBL Deadline for submission to LHCC early September iMoU ready to sign Some Countries/Institutes already did. INFN balanced between money contribution and visibility of activities, but Competition is high … and many want a seat on boat!
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IBL Project Status in Pills
All the aspect of the IBL project are pretty well covered: Some in advanced design or prototype phase, as mentioned sensor and FE-I4 Just to mention a few Stave: baseline CO2 cooling & Ti-pipe, TM measurements & FEA simulation well on its way. Stave/module flex-hybrid: multi-layer and stacked single layer prototyping. Internal services: design, simulation, prototyping Off-detector R/O: architecture defined, detailing board design and firmware Power chain: upgrade study of the PP2 regulator. Simulation & design, waiting FE-I4 for selecting power scheme. Sensor decision impacts HV selection. Integration in SR1, installation mockup in bld. 180: designs, prototypes, getting parts Stave loading: ideas, testing, looking at jigs Layout: global supports, beam-pipe flanges, IST 2012 shutdown: preparatory activities in the pit for IBL Installation: guiding pipe, insertion/extraction table, ALARA Cooling: cooling plant parameters, TM studies and prototypes for beam-pipe bakeout For most updated overview checkout June IBL Workshop at hold Geneva Univ.:
IBL Layout Layout parameters: Baseline layout decided
14 Staves, “reverse turbine” (there were two main options in Barcelona) Beam-pipe reduction: Inner R: 29 25 mm Very tight clearance: “Hermetic” to straight tracks in Φ (1.8º overlap) No overlap in Z: minimize gap between sensor active area. Layout parameters: IBL envelope: 9 mm in R 14 staves. <R> = 33 mm. Z = 60 cm (active length). η = 2.5 coverage.
Progresses on many areas: Installation mock-up (Geneva & CERN ) in bld 180 Extraction/Insertion “table” (LPSC Grenoble) Long Guiding Tube (Brandeis) Integration and Envelopes definition (CERN Atlas TC) Beam-pipe split flanges (CERN Vacuum group) ALARA (CERN Atlas TC) Installation Mock-up in bld.180
IBL TDR Editors: M.Capeans (CERN), K. Einsweiler (LBNL)
Chapter Editors: G.Darbo, T.Flick, M.Garcia-Sciveres, C.Gemme, H.Pernegger, O.Rohne, R.Vuillermet and quite many Contributors to different chapters: A.Andreazza, O.Beltramello, A.Catinaccio, I.Dawson, D.Ferrere, KK.Gan, D.Giugni, Y.Gousakov, N.Hartman, I.Hinchliffe, F. Huegging, S.Kersten, N.Massol, P.Morettini, D.Muenstermann, L.Nicolas, M.Raymond, S.Rozanov, D.Su, W.Trischuk, C.da Via, E.Vigeolas and S.Wenig Chapters’ Structure: Overview – IBL history, lifetime and failure issues, requirements, physics Modules – sensors (3 technologies), FE electronics, integration (bump-bonding, “mini- Flex”) Staves - mechanical concept for the stave, module loading, cooling and thermal issues, electrical integration, internal services Integration - mounting staves with beampipe, services integration, final surface testing Control, Readout, and Integration - power supplies, opto-links, off-detector readout electronics, external services, cooling plant, DCS, integration with the present detector DAQ/DCS Installation – beampipe extraction, mock-up, IBL transport and installation, connection and testing Commissioning – calibration, early data-taking plan with random triggers, charge injection, cosmic ray data-taking Prototyping, Production Testing, System Testing Critical Integration Issues – cooling, bakeout, powering, detector weight, material budget Project Management and Organization Draft has 200 pages (too long?). Circulated to selected readers (many comments received): Attilio Andreazza, Andrea Catinaccio, Allan, Nigel Hessey, Tim Jones , Leonardo Rossi, Steinar Stapnes, Georg Viehhauser, Norbert Wermes
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