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Timothy Eaton BTI Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) April 1 st, 2009 Public Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Timothy Eaton BTI Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) April 1 st, 2009 Public Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Timothy Eaton BTI Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) April 1 st, 2009 Public Session

2 2 Welcome Review of Timeline ARC Report Recommendations Timothy Eaton BTI Staff Report Next Steps GENDA Timothy Eaton BTI ARC A GENDA

3 3 TIMELINE Timothy Eaton BTI ARC TIMELINE October 2007, Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Central Feasibility Study approved.October 2007, Toronto District School Board (TDSB) Central Feasibility Study approved. October 2007, Local Feasibility Team established to review significant under- enrolment patterns, program options and achievement data.October 2007, Local Feasibility Team established to review significant under- enrolment patterns, program options and achievement data. November 2007, Board of Trustees considered findings of Local Feasibility Team and recommended that a Program Area Review Team (PART) be established for Timothy Eaton BTI.November 2007, Board of Trustees considered findings of Local Feasibility Team and recommended that a Program Area Review Team (PART) be established for Timothy Eaton BTI. January through April 2008, the PART met.January through April 2008, the PART met. May 2008, the Board of Trustees accepted the PART recommendation that an Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) be formed to review data, customize the Board’s School Valuation Framework (SVF) and provide input into a Board Report to include recommendations for the future of Timothy Eaton BTI. May 2008, the Board of Trustees accepted the PART recommendation that an Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) be formed to review data, customize the Board’s School Valuation Framework (SVF) and provide input into a Board Report to include recommendations for the future of Timothy Eaton BTI. June 2008, invitation to specific representatives to participate in ARC meetings.June 2008, invitation to specific representatives to participate in ARC meetings. Three pre-public ARC meetings: September 15, 2008, September 29, 2008 and October 6, 2008.Three pre-public ARC meetings: September 15, 2008, September 29, 2008 and October 6, 2008. Six public ARC meetings: October 20, 2008, November 3, 2008, November 17, 2008, December 1, 2008, December 15, 2008 and January 12, 2009.Six public ARC meetings: October 20, 2008, November 3, 2008, November 17, 2008, December 1, 2008, December 15, 2008 and January 12, 2009. December 15, 2008, ARC concludes its eighth meeting with Draft Recommendations.December 15, 2008, ARC concludes its eighth meeting with Draft Recommendations. ARC Report on Agenda for Receipt by Trustees at February 4 th, 2009 Board MeetingARC Report on Agenda for Receipt by Trustees at February 4 th, 2009 Board Meeting

4 4 TIMELINE Timothy Eaton BTI ARC TIMELINE The Timothy Eaton BTI Accommodation Review Committee reached the following recommendations: Timothy Eaton BTI be closed.Timothy Eaton BTI be closed. All Timothy Eaton BTI students be placed and supported appropriately.All Timothy Eaton BTI students be placed and supported appropriately. A Centre of Specialization be created using the existing facility.A Centre of Specialization be created using the existing facility. The essential service to the community provided by Timothy Eaton BTI Infant & Toddler Childcare be carefully considered within the implementation of all recommendations approved by the Board.The essential service to the community provided by Timothy Eaton BTI Infant & Toddler Childcare be carefully considered within the implementation of all recommendations approved by the Board. The Board consider community service providers and/or community service partnerships to determine if they can utilize the space surplus to Board needs in the Timothy Eaton BTI facility.The Board consider community service providers and/or community service partnerships to determine if they can utilize the space surplus to Board needs in the Timothy Eaton BTI facility.

5 5 Timothy Eaton BTI ARC Timothy Eaton BTI Staff Report Timothy Eaton BTI Staff Report

6 6 Timothy Eaton BTI ARC Next Steps Next Steps

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