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Waid Academy Science Variety Of Life - Cells. What name is given to the basic unit of all living things? 1.Cells 2.Atoms 3.Blocks 4.Organisms 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Waid Academy Science Variety Of Life - Cells. What name is given to the basic unit of all living things? 1.Cells 2.Atoms 3.Blocks 4.Organisms 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waid Academy Science Variety Of Life - Cells

2 What name is given to the basic unit of all living things? 1.Cells 2.Atoms 3.Blocks 4.Organisms 10

3 Is this a diagram of a plant or animal cell? 1.Plant cell 2.Animal cell 10 Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus

4 Which part of a cell controls what gets in and out? 1.Nucleus 2.Cytoplasm 3.Cell membrane 4.Sap vacuole 10

5 What job does the nucleus do? 1.Carries out cell reactions 2.Contains genes/cell instructions 3.Supports the cell 4.Food is made here Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus 10

6 This is a diagram of a plant cell. What is part C called? 1.Nucleus 2.Sap vacuole 3.Cytoplasm 4.Chloroplast Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus A C B 20

7 This is a diagram of a plant cell. Which structure is only found in plant cells? 1.Cell membrane 2.Cell wall 3.Cytoplasm 4.Nucleus Sap vacuole Cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Chloroplasts Cell wall 20

8 Name the part in a plant cell that helps to support it. 1.Cell wall 2.Cell membrane 3.Sap vacuole 4.Chlorplast 10

9 Which of these pictures shows an animal cell? 1. 2. 3. 4. 20

10 Which of these pictures shows a plant cell? 1. 2. 3. 4. 20

11 What is added to cells to help you see them more clearly under a microscope? 1.Nothing 2.A coverslip 3.A slide 4.Dye 10

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