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Dr. Clark's Easy-Peasy Powerfully Persuasive and Profitable Sales Webinar Formula.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr. Clark's Easy-Peasy Powerfully Persuasive and Profitable Sales Webinar Formula."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr. Clark's Easy-Peasy Powerfully Persuasive and Profitable Sales Webinar Formula

2 How to Use This Template 1.Save this file under a different name 2.Always keep the original in a safe place 3.Fill in each slide with YOUR information (some sections will require more than one slide, so just click NEW SLIDE as many times as needed) 4.Refer to the video training to find out what goes in each section 5.Choose an appropriate template 6.Add graphics, charts, etc. where needed 7.You are DONE—did I say “Easy-Peasy?” 8.Deliver your webinar to as many people as possible 9.Make a ton bunch of money 10.If you want to make even MORE, visit or email to find out about group and individual coaching packages, home study packages, live seminars and consulting, and more to help YOU become a Webinar Leader!

3 Title Slide with Title

4 Title Slide #2

5 Sponsor

6 What to Expect

7 Your Credentials

8 Immediately Actionable Content

9 Ask if you have delivered what you promised

10 The Close... Or “Here’s What They Get”

11 Guarantee

12 Scarcity/ Urgency

13 1st (Clear and Direct) Call to Action

14 Reminder of Benefits/Add Bonus(es) (Bonus Stacking)

15 2nd Call to Action

16 Reminder of Guarantee

17 3rd Call to Action

18 Q&A

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