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Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar. WELCOME TO EP101.

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Presentation on theme: "Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar. WELCOME TO EP101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class will start at the top of the hour! Please turn the volume up on your computer speakers to access the audio feature of this seminar. WELCOME TO EP101 Classroom Management Unit 2 Setting the Stage.

2 Questions and Announcements How did your first week go? How many of you attended last night’s workshop on Kaplan’s BS in Early Childhood Development Questions about our class?

3 Review of Unit 1 What have you learned about paraprofessionals? Working conditions Training/Qualifications Job outlook Etc. What is the “No Child Left Behind Act?” How does it affect paraprofessionals?

4 Unit 2: Setting the Stage In this unit you will; Define classroom management and explain its purpose Identify factors effecting classroom management Explain the importance of classroom culture Describe the foundation of the U.S. educational system Are you ready to begin?

5 Unit 2 Seminar Questions 1. What are some of the changes that have occurred in the educational system that affect paraprofessionals? * The U.S. Constitution does not require education services be provided. The individual states have interpreted the 10 th and 14 th Amendments in such a way that allows them to provide these services to their children. PL 94-142 Education of All Handicapped Children Act IDEA – Individuals With Disabilities Education Act

6 Sec. 504 of Voc. Rehabilitation Act Americans with Disabilities Act FERPA Head Start Even Start

7 Unit 2 Seminar Questions 2. Why is it important to learn about classroom management as an educational paraprofessional ?

8 Unit 2 Seminar Questions 3. What sort of atmosphere do you think would be conducive to learning?

9 Unit 2 Seminar Questions 4. What do you see as essential in managing behavior in the classroom? What is a paraprofessionals role in behavior management?

10 Unit 2 Seminar Questions 5. If you were meeting the teacher you were assigned to work with as a paraprofessional, what talents or personal skills would you want him/her to know that you have? It’s okay to share your strengths!

11 Unit 2 Assignments Due Tuesday Night by Midnight! Readings E-book Ch. 2 “The US Educational System” Ch. 2 Study Guide Presentation: “Classroom Culture and Behav. Management” Learning Activities “A Fifth Grade Learning Community” presentation Fact Cards Unit Summary Graded Review (2) Discussion Question Seminar (Complete option #2 if you miss a seminar)

12 Time to go already? Thank you for joining us tonight…I have enjoyed our time of learning and sharing together! Have an awesome week!

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