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Water Cycle Social Studies On-line Blueprint Skill Understand the rudimentary elements to the hydrologic cycle.

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2 Water Cycle Social Studies On-line

3 Blueprint Skill Understand the rudimentary elements to the hydrologic cycle.

4 Parts of the water cycle There are three parts to the water cycle. Evaporation Condensation Precipitation There are three parts to the water cycle. Evaporation Condensation Precipitation

5 Evaporation The sun heats water and it turns into vapor or steam. It goes into the air.

6 Condensation Steam cools down and turns back into liquid and forms clouds.

7 Precipitation The clouds get heavy and water falls back to the earth in the form of rain, sleet, hail or snow.

8 What do you know? What are the three parts of the water cycle? Evaporation Condensation Precipitation What are the three parts of the water cycle? Evaporation Condensation Precipitation

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