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13 Key Reading Strategies Skilled readers do these things—that's why they're skilled!

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Presentation on theme: "13 Key Reading Strategies Skilled readers do these things—that's why they're skilled!"— Presentation transcript:

1 13 Key Reading Strategies Skilled readers do these things—that's why they're skilled!

2 Reading Strategies at a Glance Before Set a Purpose for Reading Preview Activate Prior Knowledge Write Questions /Predictions Set a Reading Speed After Synthesize Evaluate During Ask Questions Ask Questions Make MakeConnections Visualize Visualize Revise Predictions Revise Predictions Summarize Summarize Clarify Clarify

3 Before You Read This is the preparation stage This is the preparation stage Time and care taken before reading will make the actual reading experience easier Time and care taken before reading will make the actual reading experience easier

4 1. Set A Purpose - Decide why you are reading this information - To make a decision? - To create something? - To help you? - For school?

5 2.Preview - Read headlines and subtitles - Look at pictures and other graphics; read captions - Skim side bars - Read section outline in textbooks and articles

6 3.Activate Prior Knowledge - Consider what you already know about the subject - Think about connections to other knowledge you possess

7 4.Write Questions - Make predictions about information you expect to find - Write down things you wondered while previewing - Create questions you think might be answered by the text

8 5.Set a Reading Speed - Good readers adjust their reading rate to fit the text and purpose - Think about WHY you are reading and WHAT you are reading - Then pick a speed

9 First Gear SLOW, THOUGHTFUL READING - Use when the text is complex or difficult - Use when you are reading to remember important information - Use when you are going to take action

10 Second Gear RELAXED READING - Use when reading for pleasure - Use when the text is fairly simple for you Example: reading a novel or magazine Example: reading a novel or magazine

11 Third Gear SKIMMING THE TEXT Use when you need basic answers or information quickly Use when you need basic answers or information quickly You don’t have to read every word, until you locate the information you need You don’t have to read every word, until you locate the information you need

12 Fourth Gear SCANNING THE TEXT RAPIDLY SCANNING THE TEXT RAPIDLY - Use when looking for a particular word or concept - Your eyes move quickly over the page quickly over the page until you find what until you find what you are looking for you are looking for

13 Before Reading P review P review A ctivate prior knowledge A ctivate prior knowledge W rite down wonders W rite down wonders S et a speed S et a speed

14 During Reading Now that you have prepared your brain, you are ready to read Now that you have prepared your brain, you are ready to read Remember: “READING IS THINKING” Remember: “READING IS THINKING” Use effective strategies to help you make sense of what you are reading Use effective strategies to help you make sense of what you are reading

15 6. Question Ask questions to give your reading purpose and direction. ?

16 How could that be? Asking questions and looking for answers - before I read as I read after I read. I wonder... I was confused when... How could that be? Why do you think? Who... What happened... Where... When... ©

17 7. Connecting Link to things you already know about this topic; connect to similar things in your experience.

18 Text to self Text to text I use what I know to understand what I read It reminds me of when I read... because... (text to text) It reminds me of the time I... because... (text to self) It reminds me of something I read because... (text to text, or text to world) It reminds me of something I heard about because... (text to world) © Text to world

19 That reminds me of… That made me think of the time… I can relate….

20 This part is just like… That reminds me of… I read another book where… This is similar to…

21 That reminds me of… This is like… I know about this… but I didn’t know that.

22 8. Visualize Picture the scene in your mind.

23 Visualize Use illustrations to help you create mental pictures Use illustrations to help you create mental pictures Add in images from your own experiences so that you create a “Mental Movie” Add in images from your own experiences so that you create a “Mental Movie”

24 I see what I read I feel what I read It's like a movie in my mind

25 9. Predict/Infer Make some quick guesses about what you'll be reading.

26 Predict/Infer Pay attention to section headings and subtitles to help you know what is coming up Pay attention to section headings and subtitles to help you know what is coming up Create questions, then search for answers as you read Create questions, then search for answers as you read


28 Infer Going below the surface Look beyond the words. Why are things happening? What could it mean?

29 Infer Going Outside the Box Based on what you read, and based on what you know… it give you a new idea!

30 I wonder? Could it be? Questioning as I read to help me draw conclusions, make predictions and reflect on my reading. When the author doesn't answer my questions I must infer... Maybe... I think... It could be... It's because... Perhaps... It means that... I'm guessing... ©

31 From time to time, review your understanding by: Summarizing, Identifying the main idea Making inferences © Now I get it!... ! Now I get it

32 From time to time, review your understanding by: What happened What is essential to tell? What was the outcome? Don’t forget to SWBS! © ! Now I get it

33 Somebody: ____________ Wanted: ____________ But: _______________ So: ________________ © ! Now I get it

34 11. Clarify/ Monitoring Comprehension Stop! Pay attention! Do you understand what you're reading?

35 11. Clarify Read ahead if you have a basic understanding Ask questions Re-read what you don’t understand Identify what you don’t understand so you know what to ask help on.

36 Applying ”Fix Up ” Strategies Knowing How to Use Different "Fix-Up" Strategies * when I get stuck on a word * when I get confused * use context to define the word * reread to clarify meaning * use my questions and connections ©

37 Form opinions about what you read both while you’re reading and after your finished. Develop your own ideas about people, places and events. ©

38 My opinion is: Three important points ideas are… These are important because…… What comes next… The Author wants us to think…… At this point the article/story is about…. I still don’t understand …. What interested me most was…… This means that…….. ©

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