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Culture in TESOL: To Teach or Not to Teach Brian J. English Ph.D. Issues in TESOL TESOL-MALL Graduate Program Woosong University Spring 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Culture in TESOL: To Teach or Not to Teach Brian J. English Ph.D. Issues in TESOL TESOL-MALL Graduate Program Woosong University Spring 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Culture in TESOL: To Teach or Not to Teach Brian J. English Ph.D. Issues in TESOL TESOL-MALL Graduate Program Woosong University Spring 2005

2 “They are Travellers newly arrived in a strange Country, of which they know nothing; we should therefore make Conscience not to mislead them.” Some Thoughts about Education John Locke 1632-1704

3 Definition of Culture The sum total of ways of living including behavioral norms, linguistic expression, styles of communication, patterns of thinking, and beliefs and values of a group large enough to be self- sustaining transmitted over the course of generations. (Jandt, 1995; p.404)

4 EFL vs. ESL Increase Interest Native speaking Teachers Study Abroad Prep Survival Registers Academic Culture Writing

5 The more immersed a student is in the target language’s culture the greater the need to be aware of the socio-cultural issues related to using the language. Similarly, the more a language teacher needs to be aware of possible implications of teaching culture content in language classes.

6 Implications Hidden Curriculum Us vs. Them =Cultural Imposition of Values English is Better Hollywood Teachers Narrow Perspective Whose Culture? Gender Issues

7 International Students in the US  Increased over 6% in 2001 & 2002  Increased 1% in 2003 to 586,323  Contribute $12 Billion to the US economy  USC is #1 for the second year in a row

8 A B F E C D POS + F E L I N G S NEG- Diagram IV: Variations of the U-curve Lysgaard’s U-curve Previous cross-cultural experience Vicious circle of antagonistic feelings Relapse/ambivalence of cultural expectations Early support from host culture friendships TIME 

9 Factors Affecting Cultural Adjustment to a New Academic Environment  prior exposure to a second culture  language ability  personality  educational background  friends  family approval  self-satisfaction  prior knowledge of course material  personal learning style  perceived discrimination  alienation

10 INFLUENCE OF SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION & ACADEMIC SUPPORT SYSTEMS  language ability (POSITIVE)  educational background (SUPPORT)  friends (OPPORTUNITY)  self-satisfaction (SUCCESS INCREASE)  knowledge of course material (POSITIVE)  personal learning style (NEW STRATEGIES)  perceived discrimination (ALLEVIATE)  alienation (ALLEVIATE)

11 Supplemental Instruction Model  Includes an Intensive EAP program  Alumni mentoring  TA support system  Web-based Supplemental Instruction  Professional Development

12 Intensive EAP  Language Support  Content-based Courses  Social Integration

13 RESULTS From IPPAM  About a 95% Graduation Rate  Professional Presentations Skills  Development of Critical Thinking Skills  Acquisition of Analytical Skills and Managerial Concepts  Understanding of Policy Analysis

14 Thank you Q? & ?A

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