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Life in the Colonies. Economics  New England Subsistence farms Lumber Fishing (Grand Banks) Manufacturing  Middle Colonies “ Breadbasket ”  South Cash.

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1 Life in the Colonies

2 Economics  New England Subsistence farms Lumber Fishing (Grand Banks) Manufacturing  Middle Colonies “ Breadbasket ”  South Cash crops  Tobacco  Cotton  Rice  Indigo Slavery

3 Education  New England First public school system in the Americas Based in religion Literacy very important Hornbook New England Primer

4 The New England Primer


6 Education  New England First public school system in the Americas Based in religion Literacy very important Hornbook New England Primer Dame School

7 Education: Middle and Southern Colonies  Middle Colonies Generally private and religiously based  Southern Colonies Private tutors Broad education  Classics (Latin and Greek) and maybe French  History, Philosophy, and perhaps Science  Music

8 Education NameDenominationColonyFounded HarvardPuritan-CongregationalMA1636 William and MaryAnglicanVA1696 YalePuritan-CongregationalCT1701 College of New Jersey (Princeton)PresbyterianNJ1746 King ’ s College (Columbia) AnglicanNY1754 University of PennsylvaniaNon-sectarianPA1740/49 Rhode Island College (Brown)BaptistRI1764 Queen ’ s College (Rutgers) Dutch ReformedNJ1766 DartmouthPuritan-CongregationalNH1769  Colleges

9 Government  By England “ Salutary Neglect ”  In the colonies Elected assemblies (i.e. House of Burgesses) main governing power “ Power of the Purse ” (In)equality  Landownership required to vote and hold office  Religious requirements in some colonies  More equal than Parliamentary representation New England towns  Town meetings

10 The Imperial System  Mercantilism  The Trade and Navigation Acts Ships had to be English Stopovers in England Enumerated goods

11 Triangular Trade  New England  Europe and Africa Rum Other goods  Europe  Africa and the Americas Manufactured goods  Africa  Caribbean and North America Slaves Middle Passage  Caribbean  North America Sugar and molasses

12 Triangular Trade

13 Dominion of New England  1686  James II  Combined the New England colonies, New York, and New Jersey into the Dominion of New England  Edmund Andros  1688 – Glorious Revolution  1689 – Andros expelled

14 New England and King Philip ’ s War  Major population increase after English Civil War  King Philip Chief Metacom Wampanoags  1675 – “ Praying Indian ” killed by Philip ’ s tribe  True cause war: LAND  Colonists won Superior numbers Mohegan alliance Bloody tactics

15 Southern Society and the Indians  Southern Society Landed gentry – Plantations; Tidewater region Yeoman farmers – subsistence farmers; Piedmont region  Sir William Berkeley Limited voting rights Limited expansion into Indian lands  Trade agreements  Did not want trouble

16 Bacon ’ s Rebellion  Nathanial Bacon 1676 Militia

17 Salem Witch Trials

18 John Peter Zenger  Libel (not slander )  Freedom of the press

19 Great Awakening  Early 18 th Century.  First major religious revival  Pietism  George Whitefield  Jonathon Edwards Sinners in the hands of an Angry God.

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