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Using ArcView GIS: Part 3 Learning more of the basics for ArcView 3.3 1 Using ArcMap Part 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Using ArcView GIS: Part 3 Learning more of the basics for ArcView 3.3 1 Using ArcMap Part 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using ArcView GIS: Part 3 Learning more of the basics for ArcView 3.3 1 Using ArcMap Part 3

2 Areas to be covered today  ESRI USA or other Databases  Adjusting legends  Viewing Data table (attributes) – Tables window  Where is an entity  What is at an entity (Identity icon)  Adding Default Labels  Adding inset maps or additional maps to Layout  Writing a ProcLib  Using Help in ArcMap 2 Using ArcMap Part 3

3 GIS Data Sets  On the C: drive – go to c:/esri/esridata/  A variety of basic databases on USA, World and Elsewhere  On the J: drive –go to j:/Geo/Geodata/  There are multiple folders of data here, although some of it is redundant  In this class we will concentrate only on Shape Files and some Image Files Using ArcMap Part 3 3

4 GIS Data Sets  On the Web – There are an immense number of shape files and images – For your project you may wish to start exploring Using ArcMap Part 3 4

5 Going to a folder with data Using ArcMap Part 3 5 Click on black Cross Then on black cross with folder

6 Using ArcMap Part 3 6 Now go to My Computer and find the data set you want

7 This will now be available on clicking the Black Cross Using ArcMap Part 3 7

8 Now Add States Using ArcMap Part 3 8

9 Zoom into the 48 then open the Properties to Symbology Using ArcMap Part 3 9

10 Select Quatities – Graduated Colors Using ArcMap Part 3 10

11 Under Fields (attribute) Value Choose 18-29 Using ArcMap Part 3 11

12 Now Normalize (divide) this by POP 1999 then hit OK Using ArcMap Part 3 12

13 Result Using ArcMap Part 3 13

14 Under Construction from here on Using ArcMap Part 3 14

15 Adjusting you legend Using ArcMap Part 3 15

16 Note how cumbersome listing all the states is Turning-off the legends 16 Using ArcMap Part 3

17 Result 17 Using ArcMap Part 3

18 How does this effect the final Layout Window? I’ll leave this for you to re-call. 18 Using ArcMap Part 3

19 Accessing Attribute Data Use Open 19 Using ArcMap Part 3

20 Results when States is Active Theme 20 Using ArcMap Part 3

21 What was the active Theme here? 21 Using ArcMap Part 3

22 Where is the entity Iowa? Make active in Attribute Window then look on View Window 22 Using ArcMap Part 3

23 What was done? 1.In the Attribute table window for States click on Iowa 2.In the View window Iowa turns Yellow. This is most easily seen if all states are given a single symbol in the Legend editor 23 Using ArcMap Part 3

24 Now reverse the question and ask “What is at the entity – Iowa” By clicking the Identity Icon over the state of Iowa the list of attributes appears 24 Using ArcMap Part 3

25 Now causing an entity to be “selected” from the View Window Let’s Select a river in Alaska Start by making the View Window active 25 Using ArcMap Part 3

26 Making an Entity Active Use the “Select Feature” Icon Then go to the entity you wish to select and click 26 Using ArcMap Part 3

27 The Result 27 Using ArcMap Part 3

28 Housekeeping, when you are done with an entity Un-Select by clicking this icon 28 Using ArcMap Part 3

29 Adding Labels to Entities Using ArcMap Part 3 29 In the VIEW window just: 1.Make a theme active 2.Click the Label Icon 3.Click on the map on the entity 4.Then move things around with the black arrow until you are happy

30 Adding Inset Maps for Location Most Americans know where Wyoming is but what if your audience is a group in Kazakhstan 30 Using ArcMap Part 3 Note that I have added some names here by using the Label Icon

31 Creating the “new” Inset Map in a New View First from the Project Window highlight View then click the New Button 31 Using ArcMap Part 3 Initial Layout Initial View or View 1

32 First Create the Inset Map To your new view add an appropriate Theme and clean things-up 32 Using ArcMap Part 3

33 After having zoomed in, cleaned up the legend and selected Wyoming my Second View is as follows 33 Using ArcMap Part 3

34 From the Layout Choose the View Frame Icon 34 Using ArcMap Part 3

35 Go to an appropriate location and with your cursor draw a box for the insert map 35 Using ArcMap Part 3

36 Result inserted map 36 Using ArcMap Part 3

37 Clean Map 37 Using ArcMap Part 3

38 Insert Maps  Inserted maps can be locator maps or any other type of map  You can have as many maps as appropriate in your final Layout 38 Using ArcMap Part 3

39 Requirements for a ProcLib  Title: -- should inform the reader immediately as to the nature of the proclib Purpose: more detailed description of the proclibs use Procedure: (in step by step outline format quickly indicate all steps necessary to perform the procedure) 1.................. 2.................. 3. (major step) (substep or choices)........... Originator: your name: (if questions your name and e-mail) Procedure Creation Date: (when was this made or updated) Contact: (email or other details 39 Using ArcMap Part 3

40 ProcLib Example Title: Overcoming ArcView Printing Problems Purpose: Occasionally ArcView Layouts or Views refuse to print, here are two methods to overcome the problem. Procedure: 1. Check your diagnoses. Make sure the printer is on and has paper. Then in Layout or View window make sure that under File/Print Setup, the correct printer has been addressed. No go? Continue. 2. Simple Fix (this sometimes works) use the print command File/Print and in the window that pops- up change the radio button from ArcView Enhanced to ArcView Basic. 3. Longer Fix: If it still doesn’t work then we need the two step procedure. In the Layout window go to File/Export set the location where you want to save an image of your map and give it a file name (in that order). Hit OK.In the Layout window go to File/Export set the location where you want to save an image of your map and give it a file name (in that order). Hit OK. Open either MSWord or Powerpoint. Bring-up a blank sheet and Insert/Picture/From FileOpen either MSWord or Powerpoint. Bring-up a blank sheet and Insert/Picture/From File Adjust the map in on your page and print it.Adjust the map in on your page and print it. 4. Alternate for Powerpoint. With Layout showing on your computer screen use the Shift and Print Screen keys to capture your image.With Layout showing on your computer screen use the Shift and Print Screen keys to capture your image. Open Powerpoint and Paste this image from your computer buffer andOpen Powerpoint and Paste this image from your computer buffer and using tools in Powerpoint crop the result till it is neat.using tools in Powerpoint crop the result till it is neat. Originator: P. Buckley Procedure Date: 10-03-02, updated 04-20-06 40 Using ArcMap Part 3

41 Using Help in ArcView  I don’t highly recommend this the Help available with the software, but sometimes this is all you have  It can be accessed from any window once the program is opened Using ArcMap Part 3 41

42 Help Menu Using ArcMap Part 3 42

43 Entering the Help Manual Using ArcMap Part 3 43 Click on the Help entry then the Help Topics This will then open a Help Topics Window I usually use the Index tab, but each has some merit

44 Results for Layout (Class) inquiry Using ArcMap Part 3 44 Not perhaps the most easily understood definition, but …

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