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FUTURREG 2 nd SC Meeting Thessaloniki, 24 January 2006 Futures Toolkit Structure: Discussion Points Observatory of Innovation, Cardiff Business School.

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Presentation on theme: "FUTURREG 2 nd SC Meeting Thessaloniki, 24 January 2006 Futures Toolkit Structure: Discussion Points Observatory of Innovation, Cardiff Business School."— Presentation transcript:

1 FUTURREG 2 nd SC Meeting Thessaloniki, 24 January 2006 Futures Toolkit Structure: Discussion Points Observatory of Innovation, Cardiff Business School

2 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS Context  Who is it aimed at? Who are the regional development users?  What is it supposed to achieve? What purpose would the users have of it? A full-scale regional Foresight exercise? i.e. comprehensive region-wide exercise involving wide range of stakeholders? As a tool in developing a new strategy or policy? As a tool in change management or organisational learning? To stimulate thinking and debate within target groups? (e.g. businesses, communities)

3 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS Context 2  Delimiting the nature/scope of the toolkit – a toolkit for applying futures thinking vs. a toolkit on ‘how to do a regional Foresight exercise’ (‘Futures’ vs. ‘Foresight’?)  ‘Market niche’ – how will it be different to existing tools/guides e.g. Blueprints, FOREN etc. How can it build on these experiences?

4 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS Content  Tools reports (Scenario building, visionary management, Delphi, Horizon scanning, trends analysis)  Other tools examples (game theory, forecasting etc)  Case studies – through regional appraisals and other relevant examples  Inputs from other tools, guides and projects  Other?

5 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS User interface Mediated Expert leads in all aspects of toolkit application Autonomous User applies toolkit without external assistance Mentoring/ coaching Users receives some expert assistance

6 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS User interface 2  Toolkit as a physical publication  Stepwise, web-based application

7 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS Example structure Futures Context: introduction Tools and materials Futures tools reports Case studies Etc New strategy Change manageme nt Stimulate new thinking Pathways and motivations Other Key questions Toolkit guidance In pathway/situation x, suggested tools include (e.g) (1) horizon scanning. (2) etc Examples (case studies): (1), (2) etc Experts providing assistance Key requirements – process. Inputs Implementation outline

8 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS Summary and action points  Review of possible web-models (URENIO)  Realistic expectations – 1 st priority to produce a toolkit that will be useful for the workshops and esp. the applications  Simplify where possible to make it useable and used (too complicated=not used)  Toolkit should start with motivation/needs of the regional development users  Toolkit niche will be an inter-regional model that can be applied during the project – and beyond  The toolkit will be tested during the implementation projects; final toolkit with revisions and evaluation will follow  Tried and tested model – user-friendly hints and links into useful experiences  Users to provide feedback from applications (compare with Amazon, Ebay)  Demonstrate networking with other initiatives

9 Futures Toolkit Structure. CBS Summary (cont)  Specify what the toolkit does and what it doesn’t do  CBS to send second version of structure/framework to partners; partners to comment

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