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Introduction to the Emerging Technology Committee Dan Jensen, ETC chair Ron Kohl, ETC liaison to TAC February 26, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to the Emerging Technology Committee Dan Jensen, ETC chair Ron Kohl, ETC liaison to TAC February 26, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to the Emerging Technology Committee Dan Jensen, ETC chair Ron Kohl, ETC liaison to TAC February 26, 2016

2 ETC Overview and Update Purpose: to identify both new and maturing technologies and programs that have the potential for significant AIAA involvement, to identify champions for new AIAA initiative related to these technologies to identify products and services that AIAA could provide to support new emerging initiatives. Structure: Chair along with three technical subcommittees: · ETC (Chair. Dan Jensen) · Aviation (Chair: Randy Nelson) · Space (Chair: Ron Kohl) · Multidisciplinary and Systems (Chair: Jack Agee) · Liaison between ETC and TAC (new: Ron Kohl) · How we work: The whole ETC meets face-to-face two times per year. Each subcommittee will submit its current Watch List and recommendations for the Parking Lot and Launch Pad prior to each face-to-face ETC meeting. The ETC as a whole will review these at the meeting and agree on actions The ETC Leadership Team will have additional teleconferences as required.

3 External Sources · Contracted Studies · Web based input · Sponsored Workshops · etc. Aeronautics Other AIAA Sources · Other committees · Other members · etc. ETC Members · Personal Knowledge · Company contacts · Extended networks Multidisciplinary and Systems Space Watch List Watch List Parking lot · Revisit · Recheck facts Launch Pad · Augment Current TC/PC activity · New TC/PC/WG · New AIAA Initiatives Launch Pad · Augment Current TC/PC activity · New TC/PC/WG · New AIAA Initiatives SUCCESS STORIES! InputOrganizationOutputProcess ETC Process

4 Definitions Watch List · lists technologies and programs which are being monitored for new or increased AIAA future involvement · Each technical subcommittee maintains its own list · Prior to each face-to-face meeting, the three lists are combined into an updated ETC master Watch List · Each Watch List item should have a PRI on the responsible technical subcommittee, and each item should be reviewed during each telecon or meeting · In general, items should remain on the Watch List no longer than one year prior to moving to either the Parking Lot or Launch Pad. Parking Lot · Watch List items which are not progressing toward the Launch Pad, or are progressing too slowly to warrant continuous monitoring, are moved to the Parking Lot. · Each technical subcommittee should review its Parking Lot items annually. · When warranted, Parking Lot items can be “promoted” back to the Watch List. Launch Pad · Watch List items which have enough interest and momentum are moved to the Launch Pad. · The ETC will identify a Champion for the item and will assist in moving it forward within the AIAA as a Working Group, PC or TC.

5 Aviation SubcomitteeA Long Range Strike Micro Air Vehicles Advanced Energetics (Low energy nuclear reactions) Supersonics Cockpit of the Future Electric Propulsion Additive Manufacturing for Aviation Blend of biological and conventionally engineered systems

6 Multidisciplinary and Systems Subcomittee Additive Manufacturing across other domains

7 Space Subcomittee Watchlist Orbital Debris Capture, disposal, retention Onorbit Satellite Servicing Grappling, refueling, repairing Space Habitatsl Orbiting, surface Fuel Depots Cryogenic storage Cryogenic transfer Cryogenic transporters

8 What Has Gone Well Successful PCs launched Energy Optimized Systems Program Committee Directed Energy Program Committee Green Engineering Program Committee Transformational Flight Program Committee Dedicated volunteers Attracted new members with great ideas Submittals to Air Force Scientific Advisory Board “Top 10” List Emerging Technologies Session at SciTech Space subcommittee reinvigorated Liaison between ETC and TAC now established (Ron Kohl) (Kohl: is everything on this list still relevant, current or should something be removed or other stuff added?)

9 Open Questions, Areas for Improvement Improved interaction with TAC Improve communications between TAC and ETC (liaison is a good start) Engage TCs/PCs to identify technologies Engage TCs/PCs, earlier, to take ownership Engage TAC when interacting with TCs/PCs not working Some sort of ‘annual’ product to TAC? More awareness of the ETC within AIAA – and more ideas from membership More Young Professionals and Corporate Member engagement Initiate or improve interactions with other AIAA groups SEC PPC Others Viewed as resource for United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board and equivalents in other branches of service, DARPA, NASA

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