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Module: Forecasting Operations Management as a Competitive Weapon.

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Presentation on theme: "Module: Forecasting Operations Management as a Competitive Weapon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module: Forecasting Operations Management as a Competitive Weapon

2 2 Module: Forecasting Learning Objectives At the end of this module, each student will be able to: 1.Describe forecasting 2.Describe time series 3.Explain forecast selection and monitoring

3 3 Module: Forecasting 1. What is Forecasting? Process of predicting a future event Underlying basis of all business decisions Company needs Operations needs Sales will be $200 Million!

4 4 Module: Forecasting Major Demand Components  Average demand for the period  Trend  Cyclical  Seasonal  Random

5 5 Module: Forecasting Realities of Forecasting  Forecasts are seldom perfect  Most forecasting methods assume that there is some underlying stability in the system  Both product family and aggregated product forecasts are more accurate than individual product forecasts

6 6 Module: Forecasting  Forecast based only on past values Assumes that factors influencing past, present, & future will continue  Example: Year:199920002001200220032004 Sales:78.763.589.793.292.1? 2. Time Series

7 7 Module: Forecasting  Form of weighted moving average Weights decline exponentially Most recent data weighted most  Requires smoothing constant (  ) Ranges from 0 to 1 Subjectively chosen  Involves little record keeping of past data Exponential Smoothing Method

8 8 Module: Forecasting You’re organizing a Kwanza meeting. You want to forecast attendance for 2004 using exponential smoothing (  =.10). The 2003 forecast was 175, actual was 190.. © 1995 Corel Corp. Exponential Smoothing Example

9 9 Module: Forecasting Exponential Smoothing Solution F t = F t-1 + · (A t-1 - F t-1 ) F 2004 = F 2003 + · (A 2003 – F 2003 ) = 175 + 0.10 (180 – 175) = 175 + 0.10 (5) = 175.5

10 10 Module: Forecasting  You want to achieve: Low forecast error pattern Low forecast error size 3. Forecasting Selection Guidelines

11 11 Module: Forecasting Desired Pattern Time (Years) Error 0 Time (Years) Error 0 Trend Not Fully Accounted for Pattern of Forecast Error

12 12 Module: Forecasting Forecast Error Equations Mean Squared Error Mean Absolute Deviation

13 13 Module: Forecasting You’re a marketing analyst for Hasbro Toys. You’ve forecast sales with two models. Which model should you use? ActualModel 1Model 2 YearSalesForecastForecast 110610 2101310 3202019 4202720 5403438 Selecting a Forecasting Model

14 14 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

15 15 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

16 16 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

17 17 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

18 18 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

19 19 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

20 20 Module: Forecasting Forecasting Model Selection

21 21 Module: Forecasting  Measures how well forecast is predicting actual values  Is my forecast tool out of control? Tracking Signal

22 22 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation TS Month = RSFE / MAD Month MAD Month = RSAE / Month RSAE =  (| Error|) RSFE =  ( Error)

23 23 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation Error = Actual-Forecast

24 24 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation RSFE =  ( Error)

25 25 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation |Error| = ABS(Error)

26 26 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation RSAE =  (| Error|)

27 27 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation MAD Month = RSAE / Month

28 28 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation TS Month = RSFE / MAD Month

29 29 Module: Forecasting Tracking Signal Computation Out of control, > 3

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