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Chapter 21: The Furnace of Civil War AP History. 1 ST BATTLE OF BULL RUN A Union army of 30,000 men drilled near Washington. I’ll prepared to fight 

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1 Chapter 21: The Furnace of Civil War AP History

2 1 ST BATTLE OF BULL RUN A Union army of 30,000 men drilled near Washington. I’ll prepared to fight  Lincoln called for an attack on the smaller Confederate force @ Bull Run  Hopefully, they could take Richmond  Read pages 435-436

3 1 ST BATTLE OF BULL RUN Significant psychological and political consequences:  Victory was worse than defeat for the South.  Southern enlistment fell sharply  Preparations for a protracted war slackened  Defeat was better than victory for the North.  Illusions for a short war ended.  Started preparing for a prolonged war

4 PENINSULA CAMPAIGN 1861- George MacClellan was given command of the Army of the Potomac- Pgs 436-437 Peninsula Campaign-May, 1862 (page 437) MMacClellan and 100,000 troops inched towards Richmond SStonewall Jackson- put Washington DC in jeopardy JJeb Stuart harassed MacClellan Seven Days Battle- June 26, July 2- Lee’s smaller force attacked MacClellan’s troops LLee defeats MacClellan PPage 437


6 NEW UNION STRATEGY  The Union turns to TOTAL WAR!  New Union Strategy:  Slowly suffocate the South by blockading its coasts  Liberate the slaves- destroy southern economy  Take control of the Mississippi, cutting the Confederacy in half  Chop the Confederacy to pieces- Take Georgia and the Carolinas  Take Richmond  Try everywhere to engage the enemy’s main strength and grind it to submission  The war at Sea- 438-440

7 The Pivotal Point: Antietam Lincoln fired MacClellan and replaced him with General John Pope Lee defeats Pope at the Second Battle of Bull Run- Aug. 1862 Lincoln re-instates MacClellan Robert E. Lee marches his troops into Maryland HHoped to gain foreign recognition SSeduce the border states away from the Union Battle of Antietam- Sept 17, 1862- Single bloodiest day of the war

8 MacClellan had found a copy of Lee’s plans Read pages 440-441 MacClellan was again replaced Sept. 23, 1862- Emancipation Proclamation Confederacy lost any chance of gaining foreign support

9 EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION Where he could he would not, and where he would he could not. Its Effects: TThousands of slaves ran away- one in seven SStrengthened the moral cause at home and abroad NNo chance for diplomacy- Fight to the finish OOpposition in the North mounted AAbolitionist- not far enough/Butternut-Border states- went too far SSouth- Outcry of Injustice EEurope- Ultimate doom of slavery- any chance of European aid ended BBLACKS BATTLE BONDAGE- 443-444

10 LEE AT GETTYSBURG After Antietam Burnside replace McClellan Dec. 13, 1862- Fredricksburg- Burnside slaughter Pen Hooker replaces Burnside Chancellorsville- May 2-4, 1863- Jackson killed Meade replaces Hooker Lee Prepares to attack Pennsylvania Pages 445-446

11 Three Days At Gettysburg Federal Confederate Engaged85-88,00070-75,000 Killed3,1553,903 Wounded, and Mortally Wounded14,52918,735 Missing5,3655,425 Total Losses23,04928,063


13 THE WAR IN THE WEST Grants first victory came in northern Tennessee BBrought Kentucky more securely into the North Shiloh- April 6-7, 1862 UUnion victory- No quick end to the war in the West RRead Page 448 Spring of 1862- David Farragut takes N.O.

14 July 4, 1863- Grant takes Vicksburg SSpinal cord of the Confederacy was now severed News of Vicksburg and Gettysburg reached Washington at the same time LLessened the Northern peace agitation CCaused massive economic pain to the Confederacy DDiplomatic gain

15 SHERMAN SCORCHES GEORGIA November, 1863- Grant takes Chattanooga, Tennessee was now in the hands of the Union Lincoln puts Grant in charge of the Army of the Patomac Sherman takes over in the West  Sept. 63- Sherman captures Atlanta  Nov. 63- Sherman burns Atlanta  1864- March to the Sea- TOTAL WAR


17 The politics of war Political infighting and factions within his own party threatened his presidency Leading critics of the President- Samuel Chase  Resented his expansion of power  Called for complete emancipation Northern Democrats  Associated with seceders  “War Democrats”- Supported the President  “Peace Democrats”- Did not support the war  “Copperheads”- Openly obstructed the war- Attacked the draft, Lincoln and Emancipation

18 ELECTION OF 1864 Republican Party became the Union Party Lincoln fought Chase for the party nomination- Lincoln won fairly easily Lincoln made Andrew Johnson his VP- Why? Democrats nominated General McClellan Read Pages 452-453


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