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BALANCING LIFE’S ISSUES, INC. Relationships 101. Characteristics of a Relationship Misconceptions Relationship with ourselves Fulfilling Communications.

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Presentation on theme: "BALANCING LIFE’S ISSUES, INC. Relationships 101. Characteristics of a Relationship Misconceptions Relationship with ourselves Fulfilling Communications."— Presentation transcript:

1 BALANCING LIFE’S ISSUES, INC. Relationships 101

2 Characteristics of a Relationship Misconceptions Relationship with ourselves Fulfilling Communications Happiness Past “Baggage” Longevity Good old fashioned hard work

3 Past Present and Future In the past viewed as an economic relationship It was the social norm Length Fulfillment Equal partnership with someone who makes their life more interesting Want Evolution of Relationships

4 The Big Question How has your partner helped make you a better person?

5 The NEXT big question How have you made your partner a better person?

6 How to encourage/ support Communicate Be a patient listener  -allow your partner some venting times Share the goal Love unconditionally Use time wisely Get help

7 The good news Traits are contagious Ambition, patience, charitable, humor You can learn from people who have traits unlike you by observing and imitating new behaviors. New research shows that men who maintain a BMI (Body Mass Index) higher than their partner or wife are happier.*

8 5 Key ingredients to a successful relationship Communicate  Know when to talk and when not to talk  Speak nicely to each other  Don’t throw in the “kitchen sink” Honesty  Feel free to share  Secrets are dangerous for a relationship  Refrain from being judgmental Respect  Even when you disagree understand where the partner is coming from

9 5 Key ingredients to a successful relationship Reliability  Do what you say you are going to do  Be thoughtful  Remember you are also linked to your partners families Act like your in love  Be silly  Be affectionate  Dress for your partner sometimes

10 Different Types of relationships Friends Romance Work Colleagues School classmates Family Neighbors ???? Who else……

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