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COMMUNITY PEERS SCHOOL HOME SELF Guardians Siblings Other Family Members Classmates Teachers Counselors Administration Staff Teammates Classmates Siblings.

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Presentation on theme: "COMMUNITY PEERS SCHOOL HOME SELF Guardians Siblings Other Family Members Classmates Teachers Counselors Administration Staff Teammates Classmates Siblings."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMMUNITY PEERS SCHOOL HOME SELF Guardians Siblings Other Family Members Classmates Teachers Counselors Administration Staff Teammates Classmates Siblings Chronological Mental Academic Extracurricular Neighborhood Religion Extracurricular Activities Sports Clubs Organizations Leadership Resources STAKEHOLDERSSTAKEHOLDERS

2 Risk, Resilience and Mediator Risks - any factors, including stakeholders, that will cause the learner to possess negative characteristics Resiliencies – any factors, including stakeholders, that help a learner increase emotional and social health Mediator – a stakeholder or stakeholders that introduce interventions or preventions to help gain or sustain resilience MediatorResilienceRisk

3 Stakeholders Home Environment – parents, siblings, other guardians School Environment – teacher, counselor, administration, staff Peers – classmates, teammates Community – organizations, church, neighborhood, Self - Learner Risks Perfectionism – driven by parents Parents/Guardians – lack of support Siblings – lack of support Culture – does not focus on academics Peers – lack of acceptance Labeling –AG, LD, ADHD Classroom environment Teacher’s attitude towards student Competition – competitiveness with performance Acceptance – teasing making fun of Academics not important or not cool Focus on sports Gangs, groups that look down on high academic performance Perfectionism Labeled Academically Gifted Characteristics - lack of motivation -work not completed -under-achievement -anxiety -depression -lack of motivation -focus not on academics -depression -underachievement -isolation -behavior problems -isolation -behavior problems -underachievement -depression -lack of motivation -focus not on academic -lack of motivation -lack of interests in academics -lack of motivation -behavior problems -isolation Resilience Perfectionism – pushed to do best Parents/Guardians – give opportunities to increase academic skills Siblings – support emotionally and socially Culture – focus on academics Peers – group of accepting students Differentiated Curriculum Classroom environment – positive for AG Teacher’s attitude towards student Competition –healthy competition Acceptance – accepts students Academics are important Important to be smart Focus on academics Many resources for students interested in academics Role Models for AG students Perfectionism – eagerness to do his/her best Motivated Characteristics -Highly motivated -interested in academics -Work completed on time and correctly -Pursues own academics interests -highly motivated -enjoys school/learning -several friends/not a loner -high level of performance -help other students -involved in activities -highly motivated -enjoys school -extracurricular activities -popular with peers -uses community resources to enhance education -shares with community -highly motivated -involved in community groups -highly motivated -enjoys school -pursues academic projects -enjoys challenge

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