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Constructing your argument.  Emotional Appeal  Tapping into your audiences heart.  Anecdotes often used by politicians serve as examples of this –

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Presentation on theme: "Constructing your argument.  Emotional Appeal  Tapping into your audiences heart.  Anecdotes often used by politicians serve as examples of this –"— Presentation transcript:

1 Constructing your argument

2  Emotional Appeal  Tapping into your audiences heart.  Anecdotes often used by politicians serve as examples of this – “This is Betty and she has on welfare and has brain cancer!”  Ethical Appeal  Tapping into your sense of duty. Playing on your beliefs in terms of right and wrong.  Utilizing patriotism is a form of this. – “Support the American troops you commie!!”  Logical Appeal  Tapping into our knowledge and intellect. – Facts, data etc…  Not necessarily better or more “true.” – “60% of the time it works every time!”

3  Emotional  Come to the homecoming Dance. The starving puppies need your help!  Ethical  It is your duty as an upstanding citizen and member of the student body to come to the homecoming dance.  Logical  If we all go to the dance we will raise $3000 for our class.

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