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The College and Career Readiness Standards: An Brief Overview Troy Goracke, Program Administrator;

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Presentation on theme: "The College and Career Readiness Standards: An Brief Overview Troy Goracke, Program Administrator;"— Presentation transcript:

1 The College and Career Readiness Standards: An Brief Overview Troy Goracke, Program Administrator;

2 College and Career Readiness (CCR) English Language Arts and Literacy Key Shifts: 1.Complexity - regular practice with complex text and its academic language 2.Evidence - reading writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text both literary and informational 3.Knowledge - through content-rich nonfiction 2

3 English Language & Literacy (ELL) Standards  Arranged by Strands ( i.e. Writing, Reading etc.)  Each Strand has an Anchor Standards  Level specific indicators or standards are under each Anchor Standards 3

4 4 Strand Indicators

5 Lower Level Reading Standards: Foundational Skills  Phonics  Word Recognition  Fluency 5

6 College and Career Readiness (CCR) Mathematics Key Shifts: 1.Focus - focusing strongly where the standards focus 2.Coherence - designing learning around coherent progressions level to level 3.Rigor - pursuing conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and application – all with equal intensity 6

7 Structure of Mathematics Standards Two Central Parts: 1. Standards for Mathematical Practice Describe habits of mind and the same at all levels  Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them  Reason abstractly and quantitatively  Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others  Model with mathematics  Use appropriate tools strategically  Attend to precision  Look for and make use of structure  Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning 7

8 2. Standards Mathematical Content Procedural fluency and conceptual understanding  Number & Operations  Number System  Ratios/Proportions  Operations & Algebra  Functions  Geometry  Measurement & Data  Statistics & Probability 8

9 Mathematical Standards  Arranged by Domains and Levels  Each Domain has an Overarching Standard  Each Overarching Standard has level specific Related Standards underneath 9

10 2. Standards for Mathematical Content P.80  Procedural and conceptual higher level understanding  Level E 10 Domain Overarching standard Cluster of Related Standards

11 CCRS State Plan for Adoption 10/14 CBS adopts as WA BEdA Standards 7/15 Expectation providers teaching to CCRS 7/16 Alignment to CCRS WIOA requirement 11

12 Rolling Out the Rubrics 7/15–9/15 Write Initial Drafts 10/15–2/16 Introduce and Revise 3/16–6/16Field-test with Students 7/16Release Completed Rubrics 12

13 13 Questions?

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