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Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton 100% Final Report MCA #15006 07/13/2015 Introduction Needs Analysis Existing Facility Analysis Process.

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton 100% Final Report MCA #15006 07/13/2015 Introduction Needs Analysis Existing Facility Analysis Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton 100% Final Report MCA #15006 07/13/2015 Introduction Needs Analysis Existing Facility Analysis Process Program Options Summary Questions

2 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Needs Analysis Introduction 1 2 Determine space needs for Police, City & Common Option 1 – Police, City & Common at current location Option 2 – Police, City & Common at Beckett Field Estimate the costs of both Options 1 & 2

3 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Municipal Center Deficiencies Roof leaks Climate control Ventilation Plumbing Electrical Rest rooms Security Hardening Public Access Adjacencies Lack of space Low efficiency

4 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Municipal Center Deficiencies

5 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Analysis Process Kick-Off Mtg. Conduct Interviews Develop a Program & Preliminary Site Plans City Review & Comment Design 2 Site Plan Options Develop 2 Cost Estimates 50% Submission City Review & Comment Develop Alternative Program Develop Alternative Site Plan Option Develop Alternative Cost Estimate 100% Final Submission City Council Presentation

6 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Program ExistingProposed Municipal Ctr.Either Location City Offices3,884 nsf5,185 nsf Staff 19 27 Police Dept.3,185 nsf7,449 nsf Staff 17 28 Common 6,373 nsf 6,023 nsf Staff11 Net Total 13,442 nsf18,657 nsf Efficiency 59% 60% Gross Total 22,567 gsf31,095 gsf Staff 37 56

7 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Municipal Center Existing Site Plan Adjacencies Parking (97) Security

8 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Municipal Center Proposed Site Plan Add Parking (27) Add 8,500 gsf Renovate 22,600 gsf Phased construction

9 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Municipal Center Cost Estimate

10 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Beckett Field Existing Site Plan Existing building Playing fields Parking (58)

11 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Beckett Field Proposed Site Plan 31,100 gsf New construction Playing field Parking (180)

12 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Beckett Field Cost Estimate

13 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Revised Program ExistingProposedAlternate Ph. 1Future Ph. 2 Municipal Ctr.Either Loc.Beckett FieldBeckett Field City Offices3,884 nsf5,185 nsf 3,160 nsf 928 nsf Police Dept.3,185 nsf7,449 nsf3,540 nsf2,386 nsf Common 6,373 nsf 6,023 nsf 780 nsf3,871 nsf Net Total 13,442 nsf18,657 nsf7,480 nsf7,185 nsf Efficiency 59%60% 68% 68% Gross Total 22,567 gsf31,095 gsf11,000 gsf10,566 gsf Staff37563620

14 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Beckett Filed Alternate Site Pan 11,000 gsf new No playing field Parking (62) Future space

15 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Beckett Field Alternate Cost Estimate

16 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Summary Option 1Option 2Option 3 LocationMunicipal Ctr.Beckett FieldBeckett Field Size31,095 gsf31,095 gsf11,000 gsf Phase 1 (Cumulative Costs) Bldg. Cost10.50 M11.65 M5.25 M Hard Cost 13.95 M15.00 M6.69 M Soft Cost17.50 M18.90 M8.45 M Program Cost19.14 M20.68 M9.11 M

17 Municipal Center Needs Analysis City of New Carrollton Questions? MCA #15006 07/13/2015

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