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Project Planning Or How to Launch a Pumpkin into Orbit.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Planning Or How to Launch a Pumpkin into Orbit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Planning Or How to Launch a Pumpkin into Orbit

2 Projects are Everywhere in Scouting 2

3 Project Defined “A temporary piece of work with a finite end date undertaken to create a unique product or service.” 3

4 Wood Badge & Project Planning Patrol Project on weekend 2 Conservation Project Planning tomorrow Tickets!

5 5

6 What to Accomplish Who’s Going to Do It How to Do It Track It Report It

7 What to Accomplish One Page Easily understood Someone not involved could understand Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks

8 What to Accomplish 8 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks What’s the problem? What’s the opportunity? What’s the assignment? What needs to be changed? 8 Problem or Opportunity: “To Launch a Pumpkin as Far as Possible”

9 What to Accomplish 9 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks Important to be straightforward Goals: General Intention, strategy Objectives: Precise measurable way of achieving goal 9 Goals: Goals: Your Turn….

10 What to Accomplish Objectives need to be: Objectives: 10 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks 10 SMARTSMART

11 What to Accomplish 11 SMARTSMART Specific: Is it specific in targeting an objective? Measurable: What are the measurable indicators of progress or success? Attainable: Is it attainable by someone on the team? Relevant: Does it apply to the Goal or Vision? Time Based: When will the project be completed?

12 What to Accomplish We will build a device for the Pumpkin Chunkin Camporee that will launch a pumpkin 100 feet. 12 Is It SMART?

13 What to Accomplish 13 Measure of Success: 13 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks 13 Goals & Objectives should be measured to help determine success MUST choose a measurable criteria Hard to measure intangibles: attitude or knowledge Avoid qualifying terms like “all” or “Never” Measures: Your Turn…

14 What to Accomplish Approach or Method: 14 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks How will we tackle this project Important to consider assumptions & risks Often the team thinks this is the best way to over come roadblocks or constraints Need to consider if the usual way will work If you do what you always did, You’ll get what you always got.

15 What to Accomplish 15 Approach or Method: 15 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks 15 Approach may be the MOST IMPORTANT DECISION in the early stages –Everything else follows this Guidelines –Focus on project goals & objectives –Challenge previous assumptions –Explore out-of-the-box solutions –Don’t hesitate to invent new methods

16 What to Accomplish 16

17 What to Accomplish Assumptions/Risks: Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks Assumptions widely held beliefs –May be valid – or not Risks can undermine project

18 What to Accomplish 18 Assumptions/Risks: 18 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks Questions to ask: –What resources are required to complete this objective? –What risks are associated with getting these resources in a timely manner? –What problems or delays are likely to occur? –What effect will delays have on the schedule? Assumptions & Risks: Your turn…

19 What to Accomplish Activity Trap Scope Creep 19 Two Traps:

20 What to Accomplish 20 Project Overview 1. Problem or Opportunity 2. Goals 3. Objectives 4. Measure of Success 5. Approach or Method 6. Assumptions/Risks 20

21 What to Accomplish Who’s Going to Do It How to Do It Track It Report It

22 How to Do It Break down each activity into separate activities and then order them

23 How to Do It Each activity defined start & stop May be linked, avoid overlap Time & Cost should be easy to define If it’s hard to complete, break down again What & When: What & When: Your turn…

24 What to Accomplish Who’s Going to Do It How to Do It Track It Report It

25 Who’s Going to Do It Each person understand their assignments Skills match activity Regular reporting established Leader needs to be sure everyone understands the purpose of the project, details of the activity, resources available & duration Activity Assignments

26 What to Accomplish Who’s Going to Do It How to Do It Track It Report It

27 Track It Let the project begin! Provide Leadership Support & Encourage Things change – watch critical path

28 What to Accomplish Who’s Going to Do It How to Do It Track It Report It

29 Celebration


31 Report It Final Report –Were the objectives met? –Was the project completed on time? –How could things run better next time?

32 First Ticket due tomorrow: Sunday, 3/24 All Tickets due next weekend: Monday, 4/22

33 Thanks! Any Questions?

34 Next project….

35 Rocket Building Professor Werner von Turner


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