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1 1 Eurostat Pilot studies: 1. contract no. 71301.2006.002-2006.468 2. contract no. 71301.2006.002-2006.469 Improvement of Methodologies for Water Statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "1 1 Eurostat Pilot studies: 1. contract no. 71301.2006.002-2006.468 2. contract no. 71301.2006.002-2006.469 Improvement of Methodologies for Water Statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 1 Eurostat Pilot studies: 1. contract no. 71301.2006.002-2006.468 2. contract no. 71301.2006.002-2006.469 Improvement of Methodologies for Water Statistics 1. Establishment of a Unified Methodological System for Producing Statistics on Water Abstraction and Use in Norway 2. Water Consumption in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing – Establishment and Application of a Coefficient Method A progress report, Presented by: Mr. Jørn Kristian Undelstvedt, Division for Environmental Statistics With contributions from: Ms. Eva Vinju, Mr. Gisle Berge and Ms. Anne Vedø (all Statistics Norway)

2 2 Outline Objectives Expected results Methodology Challenges identified

3 3 Objectives of the pilot studies Establish a unified coefficient methodology for the water accounts system (cover all industries – NACE 01–99) –Improve consistency in the water accounts system Further improvement of the methodology developed in an earlier pilot on Food Processing and Service Industries (NACE 15-16, 50-93) Integrate all calculations in a SAS-program, or several programs linked together –Main program + sub-programs –Provides a basis for efficient production and update of statistics Set up a plan for updating of coefficients and data collection activities. In other words: Make life easier for “water-statisticians” in the future!

4 4 Expected results (1) Division of the industries into water consumption groups by  homogeneity in water consumption  type of auxiliary variable that in best possible way describes the “driving force” of water consumption –Selection of auxiliary variables for different water consumption groups –Identification of data sources on water consumption Equations for water consumption coefficients –for all industries - preferably as part of a “water consumption group” (or individually – only if necessary!) Timetable for updating the coefficients, including future data collection activities

5 5 Expected results (2) Identification and collection of alternative statistics for comparisons and calibrations, i.e: –Register-data on water supply from public waterworks –Statistics – based on surveys, on specific industries A report, which will include: –Equations for each water consumption group –Data sources, auxiliary data and statistics attributed to each water consumption group –Conversion procedure: Water consumption groups NACE divisions JQ categories New and improved figures in JQ tables 2.1, 2.2, 3.1 and 3.2 –as soon as all data identified as needed have been collected!

6 6 Methodology - Two lines of approach (1) Theoretical approach: Assume homogeneity in water consumption and “driving force” (employees, economic turnover, clients, process, etc.) Group the industries - on NACE 5-digit level (subclasses) Collect available information or coefficients from the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises, technical advisers, consultants, engineers, statistics, direct contact with establishments Put up equations on water consumption for each consumption group

7 7 Determine consumption groups Example of approach for survey data on manufacturing industries (1): Regression Scatter plots Attempts to define intervals for consumption groups –Calculated consumption(m3)/employee for each record in the dataset –Set trial intervals of consumption/employee (<1, 1-9, 10-99, 100- 199…) –Calculated averages for each NACE-subclass within trial consumption groups –Set up tables to investigate/analyse the distribution of the observations Investigate freshwater and seawater separately

8 8 Determine consumption groups Example of approach for survey data on manufacturing industries (2): Trial consumption group (m3/employee/year) NACE5-digits (subclass)Freshwater consumption per employee - mean per NACE subclass Number of observations < 1 0,3229 11.100 0,001 : : :: 1-9 4,7227 11.200 5,303 14.110 4,331 14.210 4,147 : : :: 10-99 42,6378 11.100 37,475 11.200 28,8330 14.110 57,005 : : ::

9 9 Determine consumption groups Example of approach for survey data on manufacturing industries (3): Frequency Trial consumption groups (m3/employee/year) Subclasses (NACE 5 digit level) : 10.10010.30011.10011.20013.10013.20014.11014.120 : <100101011 : 1-900030010 : 10-99005300054 : 100-19910110102 : 200-39904100001 : 400-59900001011 : 600-79900000000 : 800-99900000000 : 1 000-4 99900010000 : 5 000-9 99900000000 : 10 000-19 99910000000 : 20 000-29 99900000000 : 30 000-39 99900000000 : 40 000-49 99900000000 : 50 000 +00000100 : Total248352289 :

10 10 Methodology - Two lines of approach (2) Practical/empirical approach: Collected business registers from waterworks  sample of water customer data - coverage is most likely skewed  8 waterworks: Oslo, Trondheim + 5 smaller municipalities Establishments with self supply waterworks  register data - Food Safety Authority Problem: no organization number, only name and address! SAS-programme for identification of water customers – checked against the Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises  Output: organization number and NACE-code for 6000 customers Inflation of sample, by employees or economic turnover Basis for:  calculation of consumption coefficients for some industries  calibration of the theoretical approach

11 11 Sources of consumption data Abstraction Waste water system Recipient Use Norw. Inst. of Public Health: Register - public water supply Food Safety Auth.: Register on self supply waterworks, abstraction Establishments: Annual Reports – abstraction or use Waterworks: Abstraction + customer data on use Surveys: example - Manufacturing industries, abstraction + use Norw. Pollution Control Auth.: Discharge data, certain establishments Existing consumption coefficients – domestic animals Pilot studies: Food processing, Service industries - use Existing consumption coefficients – aquaculture Existing consumption coefficients – greenhouses Existing consumption coefficients – water supply engineering

12 12 Application of the methodology: Water use in agriculture, forestry and fishing (1) - Development of very detailed models! Extensive documentation needed. - Specialized productions - need to divide into several consumption groups Agriculture and Aquaculture –We have collected fairly updated information on:  Number of domestic animals  Coefficients on daily water consumption for domestic animals  Irrigation – irrigated areas  Precipitation  Greenhouses  Coefficients for irrigation in greenhouses  Number of fish in hatcheries  Coefficients on consumption in hatcheries (dependent on biomass, oxygen content and time)

13 13 Water use in agriculture, forestry and fishing (2) Fishing (NACE 05.01) –Not looked into yet –Will contact trade organizations and ship-owners –Expect consumption in correspondence with economic turnover –Probably large differences between small and large vessels, type of catch and on-board handling of the catch Forestry (NACE 02.01) –Not investigated yet – expect minor contribution to the total –Will contact trade organizations –Expect consumption in correspondence with number of employees

14 14 Challenges Delayed start of the project Theoretical approach – consumption groups and coefficients – behind schedule Low response on request for customer data (contacted 48 waterworks – received 8 datasets) For which consumption groups or NACE-groups is survey data the only solution? Special cases/”outliers” – how do we identify and handle them? How de we calculate or explain uncertainty? Some “problem areas” identified already: –Water amusement parks –Public swimming pools –Military camps –Skiing resorts (snow making machines) –Cleaning of indoor installations for domestic animals Water customers – quite often owners of commercial or residential property –overwhelming task to identify lessees (verify if it is tenants or establishments) –reduces the practical use of the customer sample

15 15

16 16 Contact information: Mr. Jørn K. Undelstvedt,, phone. + 47 6288 Thank you for your attention!

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