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New York State DOH Health Home Care Management Reporting Tool (HH-CMART) Bi Weekly Support Calls – Session #13 June 12, 2013 1.

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Presentation on theme: "New York State DOH Health Home Care Management Reporting Tool (HH-CMART) Bi Weekly Support Calls – Session #13 June 12, 2013 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 New York State DOH Health Home Care Management Reporting Tool (HH-CMART) Bi Weekly Support Calls – Session #13 June 12, 2013 1

2  First Submission Date  Next Submission Date  HH-CMART Data Entry Reminders  Questions Since Last Webinar  Questions and Answer Session  Feedback, Help, and Ongoing Support 2

3  Please submit your questions in writing to the webinar  If you would like to ask your questions, raise your hand (making sure you have entered your audio pin code) and we will unmute the call one at a time  We are working on a Question and Answer document that will be posted on the Health Home website under the HH-CMART section 3

4  The Department is currently reviewing the data. ◦ If there are issues with your data submission the Department will be contacting you to resolve them.  Any programs that have questions about the 2012 FACT GP / HH Functional Assessment Data should email us at 4

5 What to Submit  Data for ALL elements in the HH-CMART tool  This will include all data for the first two quarters of 2013 (January – June 2013)  The report date field for this report is 2/2013  All dates in HH CMART elements (#11, 15, 35) are the actual dates of service When to Submit  Monday, August 5, 2013 How to Submit  Lead Health Homes will send data on all members in the HH CMART tool using the HCS Secure File Transfer application to ‘Laura Morris’ 5

6  Member-level elements can be entered manually or imported into the tool ◦ HH must compile all downstream provider information into one spreadsheet prior to importing into the HH CMART tool ◦ Manual entries and previous imported data will be replaced by any new imported information ◦ Manual additions should be saved for last  Elements 5, 6, 8, 18, 19, 25, 26, and 28 are to be left blank and DOH will complete them using the HH Patient Tracking System information  All members of the Health Home should have elements (#1-17) completed 6

7  Only members who are engaged in the Health Home should have elements (#18-48) completed/ updated  Leave elements #11[Contact Date] and #15 [Assess date] blank if it does not apply to the member  *Elements that change each reporting period include (#3, 12, 20-23, and 29-34) for engaged member of the Health Home [*Green fields]  *Update elements (#1, 10, 24, 27, 35-49) with new information for each reporting period [*Orange fields]  *See HH CMART webinar presentation Feb. 13, 2013 found at this location: th_homes/meetings_webinars.htm 7

8  Q: If a CMART audit occurs and it pertains to a member in a Health Home, who is accountable? Is it the Health Home or the Plan? A: The Health Homes is ultimately responsible for the care management of the member  Q: What if a client has a Managed Care Organization that is not in the PlanId drop down list (Field #1)? A: The Health Home CMART allows manual entry in fields. If a PlanId is not in the drop down list, enter it manually. Contact the Health Home Program via email to let us know what is missing. * Reminder: uploading data into the HH CMART tool will wipe out any manual entries, so save those for last. 8

9  Q: What do I do when a subscore for the FACT-GP is a fraction?  A: The Department will only be accepting whole numbers for FACT-GP scores. However, there are instances when answers create a fractioned subscore. If this happens the score should be rounded to the nearest whole number. ◦ EXAMPLE: Subscore = 4.50  round this up to 5.0 Subscore = 4.49  round this down to 4.0  We will be editing the Scoring Guidelines on the Health Home website to reflect this information soon. 9

10  Reminder – As long as the CM agency & the HH have a signed contracted agreement in place, a member does not need to sign the Health Home consent for the CM agency to share the HH CMART data w/the HH ◦ The FACT GP/ HH CMART data can be shared with the Health Home as long as there is a DEA/ subcontract agreement in place between the Health Home and the CM organization. Consent of the patient is not necessary. ◦ Most of the data exchanged includes information about care management of the individual such as counts of contacts, dates, assessment scores and other non- PHI data ◦ The department will be using this data to support the operations of the Health Home program. 10

11  We encourage your feedback ◦ To aid in Case Scenario development in order to clarify fields so that there is similar thinking behind how to fill in HH-CMART data similarly across all Health Homes ◦ E mail the Health Home Team at with the Subject : HH-CMART Or Call the Health Home provider line – 518.473.5569  Health Home website, Assessment and Quality Metrics menu, Process Measures section: alth_homes/assessment_quality_measures/process_measures.htm 11

12  Weekly support calls are now Bi-Weekly, Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. ◦ The next call will be June 26,2013  Slides from all webinars can be accessed by visiting the Health Home website at: dicaid_health_homes/meetings_webinars.htm 12

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