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Welcome to MEMORIAL SCHOOL! 2015 – 2016 New Student Orientation.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to MEMORIAL SCHOOL! 2015 – 2016 New Student Orientation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to MEMORIAL SCHOOL! 2015 – 2016 New Student Orientation

2 INTRODUCTIONS Principal…………………………………………Ms. Sara DiMaggio Instructional Coach…………………….Ms. Christine Sce Student Assistance Specialist…..Ms. Melissa Wall School Nurse……………………………..…Ms. Dot Demetor Reading Specialist……………………….Ms. Kathy Mueller Reading Specialist……………………….Ms. Sarah Sauvigne Math Specialist………………………….Ms. Stephanie Niemis Teacher………………………………………….Ms. Kristy Bates PTA President…..............................Ms. Angela Paglia Secretary……………………………………...Ms. Dawn Williams Secretary………………………………….…..Ms. Cindy Grant Head Custodian…………………………...Mr. Mark Forrest

3 School Information Ms. Sara DiMaggio Student Assistance Information Mrs. Melissa Wall PTA Information Ms. Angela Paglia Health and Medical Information Ms. Dot Demetor Additional Information Ms. Sara DiMaggio, Ms. Christine Sce Ms. Kathy Mueller, Ms. Melissa Wall Classroom Visit AGENDA

4 A Day in the Life of a Memorial Student Arrival Routine-Attendance Readers Workshop (ILA) Writer’s Workshop (ILA) Word Work Everyday Math – hands-on Social Studies Science Specials Dismissal

5 ATTENDANCE Regular attendance is one of the most important factors in a child’s success in school. Your child should be in school every day unless he/she is not well. If absent, remember to call school in AM Send in a note to school on the day of return.

6 Memorial School Motto ”Honoring Heroes of the Past Preparing Heroes of the Future” Memorial School Students: Are H elpful and honest Are E ager to learn Are R espectful and responsible Treat O thers with Kindness

7 Mrs. Wall Student Assistance Specialist Role in the school Ways to contact Reasons to contact Groups Student Assistance

8 Communication Backpacks and Virtual Backpack Website: Teacher –Email –Phone –Conferences Report Cards and Calendar Student Handbook *Blackboard/Email Blasts

9 WELCOME TO THE PTA Angela Paglia, President PTA Important Information –Overview of events –Volunteer opportunities

10 Student Drop Off and Pick Up DROP OFF Pull up to the curb. Stay in your car. Staff will assist. Exit on sidewalk only. PICKING UP Pull up to curb for curbside pick-up. Staff will assist. Or, park in parent parking (front lot) For the safety of our children, Please obey all parking lot signs

11 Arrival Procedures Students may enter the school at 8:55. (Earlier if they are signed up for the Early Morning Program.) Students enter the gym where they line up in order of classes. Dismissed from gym and escorted to class by staff members.

12 Dismissal Procedures Dismissed by grade level Escorted by teachers –Walkers dismissed at front door. –ASK (After School Kids) students will be escorted to the cafeteria. –Bus students are escorted to the gym Dismissed by bus number Escorted to buses For security, notes for changes in dismissal must be received by 2:00 to be honored.

13 Security Enter the vestibule Security will ask for your identification Sign in and out Visitors need to wear name tags

14 Lunch Students enter a Personal Identification Number (PIN) Have your child write down his/her PIN and practice at home For information about the lunch program, please see the Child Nutrition home page on our district website ( under “Departments”.

15 12th year at Memorial Assessments: height, weight, BP, hearing, vision, scoliosis Maintains health records Administers medications and first aid Teaches health to all grades, mostly family life curriculum Serves on various committees

16 Web site - office hours, phone & fax, etc. District wellness information 24 hour rule for fever; signs & symptoms for keeping students home or having them sent home; doctors’ notes; allergy information, especially for celebrations Immunization requirements, doctors’ orders for medications in school, etc. Various health forms for downloading DDEMETOR@EBNET.ORG

17 UPDATE Emergency information, including home, work, cell Designate a person who is able to come & pick up your child if you are unavailable; list them as a contact Call your child out everyday he/she is going to be absent (MD note may be needed); include symptoms because symptoms are monitored by the Health Department weekly such as flu outbreaks Call the Health Office for any health issues which may impact your child during the school day; if you email the teacher, copy the nurse Physicals and immunizations must be current or your child will be asked to stay home from school until proper documentation is received. *Pack a change of clothes in the backpack

18 Important Dates First Day of School - September 2th Ice Cream Social - Friday, September 4 th @ 6:00 PM Back to School Night – Tuesday, September 8 th @ 7:00 PM. Grades PK-2 Back to School Night – Wednesdsay, September 9 th @ 7:00 PM. Grades 3-5 PTA Meeting – September 21st – 7:30 pm Labor Day - September 7 th Fall Recess Days – September 14 th, 15 th, 23rd

19 Thank you for attending Orientation. Welcome to the Memorial Family!

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