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Mid Semester 2 Presentation: February 27, 2008. Joshua Lasseigne: Team Lead and Autopilot Programming Christopher Edwards: AGL Subsystem and Website Maintenance.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid Semester 2 Presentation: February 27, 2008. Joshua Lasseigne: Team Lead and Autopilot Programming Christopher Edwards: AGL Subsystem and Website Maintenance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid Semester 2 Presentation: February 27, 2008

2 Joshua Lasseigne: Team Lead and Autopilot Programming Christopher Edwards: AGL Subsystem and Website Maintenance William Overstreet: Power, Packaging, and R/C Equipment Brittany Penland: Autopilot Programming and Calibration Shared Responsibilities: Research, Testing and Debugging, and Documentation

3  Background Information  Problem With Current Systems and the X-Pilot Solution  Technical and Practical Design Constraints  Subsystems, Refinement, and Progress  Testing Stages and Test Plan  Packaging Plan  Summary  References

4  Definition  The First Autopilot  Integration With Computer Software  Current Market

5  Several Different Companies  Easy To Use  Expensive ($10,000 and up)  Limited User Expandability

6 Current Autopilot Systems Are: EXPENSIVE and DIFFICULT FOR USERS TO MODIFY

7 ◦ Costs Under $2500 ◦ Capable of Autonomous Flight by Waypoint Navigation ◦ Utilizes Open Source Code for Easy User Modifications ◦ Users Can Integrate Custom Hardware ◦ Equipped With an AGL (Above Ground Level) Sensor for Use With Low Altitude Flight ◦ For Use With Conventional Fixed- Wing or Flying-Wing Aircraft

8  Crossbow Hardware Platform  Custom AGL  Software Servo Battery MNav Stargate Wireless Card

9  Waypoint Navigation: Must be as accurate as GPS (±10ft)  Low Altitude Accuracy: Must be capable of accurate low altitude readings (±3in)

10  Control Surfaces: Must be capable of controlled flight for fixed-wing aircraft  Dynamic Re-Tasking: Must be capable of dynamic re-tasking at all times

11  Considered Real-Time: Must have an update rate between 1 Hz and 50 Hz  Groundstation Compatibility: Must be POSIX and Windows compatible

12 PartPrice Stargate$800 MNav$1500 Parts for 1 AGL<$200 Total Cost: $2500

13  Communication to the Autopilot Must be Secure

14  Autopilot  Groundstation  Above-Ground-Level (AGL) Sensor

15  Hard Iron Calibration Completed  Switched Wireless to ad hoc Configuration to Eliminate the Router (Reduced the Number of Required Components)  Got the GPS Connector Fixed

16 Original Plot Adjusted Plot

17  Added Local Map of North Farm  Made an X-Pilot Icon

18  Sent Off for PC Board  Currently Testing AGL on PC Board  Added Temperature Sensor Capabilities

19 Actual Dimensions: 3.85 in X 2.8 in

20  Completed Ground Software In the Loop Testing for All Subsystems  Completed Ground Hardware In the Loop Testing for All Subsystems  Completed Range Testing  Goal: Complete Flight Testing

21  Hand-Held GPS: 33.44000 N 88.84565 W Altitude: 101.49 m  R/C Range: 855 ft  Wireless Range: 1425 ft

22  Control Surfaces: Capable of controlled flight for fixed- wing aircraft  Waypoint Navigation: As accurate as GPS (±10m)  Dynamic Re-tasking: Verify by uploading new waypoints during the course of a mission  Compatibility: Confirm by running the groundstation on both a Windows and a POSIX machine  AGL Range Accuracy: Verify by hands-on testing  AGL Transducer Spacing Optimization: Achieve through hands-on testing and an oscilloscope  AGL Serial Communications: Verify with HyperTerminal

23  Autopilot Encased in Protective Metal Box  AGL on a PC Board  Software Included on a CD (and Through Direct Download)


25  X-Pilot: Autopilot Solutions  Affordable  Dynamic  Expandable

26  (2007, Sep. 24) “Micropilot.” [Online]. Available:  (2007, Sep. 24) “Cloud Cap Technology.” [Online]. Available:  (2007, Sep. 24) “Procerus Technology.” [Online]. Available:  (2007, Sep. 24) “Crossbow Inertial Systems.” [Online]. Available:

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