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Environmental History: Learning from the Past. Overview  Human Cultural History  U.S. Environmental History  Aldo Leopold.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental History: Learning from the Past. Overview  Human Cultural History  U.S. Environmental History  Aldo Leopold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental History: Learning from the Past

2 Overview  Human Cultural History  U.S. Environmental History  Aldo Leopold

3 Human Culture History: Hunter-Gatherer Culture  Hunter-gatherers  Usually limited environmental impact  Nomadic

4 Human Culture History: The Agricultural Revolution  Agriculture: stay put and farm instead of gathering  Slash and burn/ shifting cultivation  Essentially sustainable resource use.  Increased environmental impact.

5 Human Culture History: The Industrial Revolution  Industrial Revolution (mid-1700’s)  Medical Revolution  Industrial Revolution (mid-1700’s)  Medical Revolution  Shift to dependence on non-renewable resources.  Dramatic increase in environmental impact.

6 Human Culture History: The Information Revolution  Information Revolution  Rate of information increase and speed of communication  Globalization  Decrease in cultural diversity

7 United States Environmental History: The Tribal and Frontier Eras  Tribal Era : Native Americans caused some extinctions, but generally were low-impact hunter-gather or agricultural societies  Frontier Era Environmental Worldview: European Settlement (1607-1890)  Significant impact as wilderness frontier was “tamed”  Frontier Era Environmental Worldview: European Settlement (1607-1890)  Significant impact as wilderness frontier was “tamed”

8 United States Environmental History: The Early Conservation Era  Early Conservation Era: 1832-1960  Concern over resource use  Preservation of public lands  Public health initiatives  Environmental restoration projects

9 Important Figures During The Early Conservation Era  Henry David Thoreau  George Perkins Marsh  John Muir  Theodore Roosevelt  Gifford Pinchot  Franklin Roosevelt

10 United States Environmental History: The Environmental Era  The Environmental Era (1960-Today)  Began with Silent Spring  The Environmental Era (1960-Today)  Began with Silent Spring  The first Earth Day 1970  1980’s: Backlash against environmentalism  1970’s: Major environmental Laws

11  2000’s: Some backlash against environmentalism  2010’s: Environmentalism ?  1990’s : Environmental awareness

12 Important Figures of the Environmental Era  Rachel Carson: Silent Spring (1962)  Richard Nixon: EPA; ESA  Jimmy Carter: DOE, Superfund (CERCLA)  Jimmy Carter: DOE, Superfund (CERCLA)

13 Important Figures During the Environmental Era  Ronald Reagan  Bill Clinton  George W. Bush Jr.

14 Other Key Figures in the Environmental Movement Abbey, Edward Adams, Ansel Audubon, John Bennet, Hugh Berry, Wendell Borlang, Norman Commoner, Barry Ehrlich, Paul

15 Other Key Figures in the Environmental Movement Hamilton, Alice Hardin, Garrett Gibbs, Lois Nader, Ralph Simon, Julian Sinclair, Upton

16 Aldo Leopold and His Land Ethic  A Sand County Almanac  Problems arise when land viewed as a commodity  A Sand County Almanac  Problems arise when land viewed as a commodity  Preservation of the integrity, stability, and beauty of land is right

17 Aldo Leopold and His Land Ethic  Individuals are interdependent  Ethics: respect for land  Shift from conqueror to member

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