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Freedom Explained by the Simpson Family….

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1 Freedom Explained by the Simpson Family…

2 Freedom is the power, rooted in reason and will, to act or not to act, to do this or that, and so to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility. Having freedom means that we are responsible for our actions. Every action we choose, further, determines our character.

3 Arguments against Freedom
Determinists hold that every event, action and decision inevitably results from something independent of the human will. Genetics Environment Psychological Factors Fate Astrology

4 “He who excuses himself accuses himself.”
Rationalization – devising self-serving excuses for behavior “He who excuses himself accuses himself.” Gabriel Meurier

5 Further Definition of Freedom…
External Freedom includes freedom from factors outside ourselves that threaten or destroy our power to exercise choice. Harsh Government Illness Poverty Internal Freedom includes freedom from interior factors that limit choice. Addiction Fear

6 Limits to Freedom “True freedom elevates humans; it never demeans.”
The modern world often defines “freedom” as “doing whatever one wants”. This kind of “freedom” is more precisely defined as “license” (text) or “freedom of indifference” (Pinckaers). “True freedom elevates humans; it never demeans.” “This mentality has created such an emphasis on the freedom of choice that the fundamental right to life itself of innocent human beings has been assaulted and denied. It is a gross distortion of the exercise of freedom to attack other human beings and the values God’s law seeks to protect…” pg 84

7 True freedom is not license
True freedom is not license. License is unbridled, excessive, undisciplined freedom that abuses true liberty. By deviating from the moral law man violates his own freedom, becomes imprisoned within himself, disrupts neighborly fellowship, and rebels against divine truth. D’OH!

8 True freedom serves what is good, just and true.
True freedom liberates us to develop our God-given talents in a responsible way so we can live our lives for others and for God. True freedom serves what is good, just and true. “Every person possesses basic moral inclinations and a primal moral sense that no corruption due to sin can completely destroy…” Pinckaers

9 Pinckaers’ Clarification
Freedom of Indifference/ License Freedom of Excellence/ True Freedom The power to choose between contraries The power to act freely with excellence and perfection Does not recognize inclination towards good Recognizes inclination towards good Resides in the reason and the will Resides in the will Is entire from the first moment Develops through education and discipline Has no need for virtue Virtue and habit are essential Synonymous with self-assertion Open to the common good If the law is founded on the true and good, it creates a structure to enhance freedom Moral law, Natural law and any form of legality is seen as constrictive to freedom

10 Responsibility… To every degree that our choices are voluntary, we are responsible for our actions. “Imputable” is another word for “accountable”… “Culpability” is another word for “blameworthiness”… Ooh.. Culpability! Remember those things that can lessen or nullify culpability???

11 In other words, the world’s definition of “freedom” isn’t really True Freedom at all…It is simply the license to make choices that will eventually enslave us to our fallen passions! True Freedom pays attention to the laws written in our nature and those revealed by God. Making choices that follow those laws, then, helps us to live the life God wants us to live to our fullest potential.

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