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Respiratory System 2 Ms. Eramchuk. Review of last class:  IEMNPe1E IEMNPe1E.

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Presentation on theme: "Respiratory System 2 Ms. Eramchuk. Review of last class:  IEMNPe1E IEMNPe1E."— Presentation transcript:

1 Respiratory System 2 Ms. Eramchuk

2 Review of last class:  IEMNPe1E IEMNPe1E

3 JIGSAW  External Respiration  Internal Respiration  Cellular Respiration In your groups, explore the assigned topic and summarize it in 1-2 sentences! Be prepared to explain the topic to fellow classmates

4 VIDEO!!!  A4O3urGE A4O3urGE  Ignore the numbers (partial pressures, etc.) and focus on where the oxygen and carbon dioxide are travelling.

5 Fill in…

6 External Respiration  Exchange of gases (oxygen and carbon dioxide) in the lung – between alveoli (external) and pulmonary capillaries of the lung

7 External Respiration  After inhalation, amount of oxygen in alveoli is higher than blood, so oxygen dissolves in moist membrane and diffuses into blood  Carbon dioxide is brought to lungs and diffuses into alveoli

8 Internal Respiration  Gas exchange (oxygen and carbon dioxide) between blood and tissue cells in the body

9 Internal Respiration  Movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between body cells and blood. Both diffuse through the intercellular fluid (from high to low conc.)

10 Cellular Respiration  Cells need oxygen to break down glucose and store its energy in molecules of ATP (adenosine triphosphate)  Energy in glucose cannot be used by cells until it is stored as ATP

11 Breathing  Put your hand on your diaphragm and breathe deeply.  What is happening??

12 Breathing  Inhalation ( ACTIVE PHASE) – sometimes called inspiration  Ribs pulled up and out  DIAPHRAGM pulled downwards  Chest cavity larger – pressure inside reduced  Air rushes in  Lungs expand

13 Breathing  Exhalation ( PASSIVE PHASE )  Diaphragm relaxes and moves up  Rib muscles relax; chest cavity drops  Chest cavity becomes SMALLER  Pressure on lungs GREATER, air pushed outward BheY


15 Kahoot! Review


17 The Process of Breathing  Please order the 4 stages of gas exchange found in the envelopes at the front of the room  Individual, or groups of 2-3 is fine!

18 The Process of Breathing  Gas Exchange: The 4 Stages  1) Breathing  2) External Respiration – oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between air and lungs  3) Internal Respiration – Oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange between blood in capillaries and body cells  4) Oxygen and carbon dioxide transport between lungs and other body parts

19 LUNG IN A BOTTLE  Using only the supplies provided and your knowledge of the respiratory system, create a model which can illustrate the mechanics of breathing.


21 ENTRANCE SLIP  Please write down 3 facts that you know about the respiratory system from the past 2 classes!

22 Oxygen Transport  Oxygen is carried by hemoglobin in red blood cells HEMOGLOBIN: iron containing protein  Oxygen-rich blood is bright red because of OXYHEMOGLOBIN (oxygen + hemoglobin) Blood low in oxygen is dark red or dull purple

23 Oxygen Transport  OBJEXxNEo OBJEXxNEo

24 Breathing – Controlled by the BRAIN!  Breathing is an INVOLUNTARY PROCESS controlled by the RESPIRATORY CENTRE (MEDULLA OBLONGATA) in the brain.

25 Chemoreceptors Controlled by respiratory centre in the brain ( MEDULLA OBLONGATA ) Sensory structures in blood vessels sense oxygen and carbon dioxide levels Based on the previous demo (with universal indicator), how might chemorecepters detect these levels? (TPS)

26 Chemoreceptors  Higher CO 2 levels in blood is the stimulant that the respiratory center responds in order to signal the respiratory muscles to breathe  Chemoreceptors are responsible for detecting decrease in blood pH by CO 2

27 Chemoreceptors

28  During heavy exercise, LACTIC ACID is produced by muscle cells; this increases the acidity in the blood and stimulates the respiratory centre to increase the rate of breathing  BkR00OZE BkR00OZE

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