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CCHCs: An Integral Part of Your Family Support System March 14, 2008 9:50 ─ 11:00 a.m. Presented by ECCS/HCCA Technical Assistance Contractors.

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Presentation on theme: "CCHCs: An Integral Part of Your Family Support System March 14, 2008 9:50 ─ 11:00 a.m. Presented by ECCS/HCCA Technical Assistance Contractors."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCHCs: An Integral Part of Your Family Support System March 14, 2008 9:50 ─ 11:00 a.m. Presented by ECCS/HCCA Technical Assistance Contractors

2 Session Goal To introduce participants to the ways and benefits of partnering with Child Care Health Consultants (CCHC)

3 Agenda  Introductions  Opening Presentation: CCHCs and Family Support  Activity  Discussion

4 3 Views of Family Support  ECCS to help parents develop and use available resources that enable them to nurture and support the healthy development of their children. Family support services range from providing information about early learning, to helping families access benefits and connect with other families and community services  The Children's Bureau to provide for the safety, permanency and well being of children through leadership, support for necessary services, and productive partnerships with States, Tribes, and communities  SAMHSA: to provide services and supports for children, adolescents, and their families that are family-driven and youth- guided; culturally and linguistically competent; individualized and strengths based; and community- based

5 3 Groups  Serve children & their families  Have complementary missions  Can benefit from thoughtful collaboration

6 Many States Use Child Care Health Consultation to Address Some of Their ECCS Goals A child care health consultant (CCHC) is a health professional who has an interest in and experience with children, has knowledge of resources and regulations, and is comfortable linking health resources with facilities that provide education and social services.

7 Current Status of State CCHC Initiatives* N = 54 states and territories  27 have established, ongoing initiatives  10 are re-building former initiatives or beginning new ones  12 are no longer active or reduced in capacity  5 had no state-level initiative * From Child Care Health Consultation Initiatives: A Status Report (Jan. 2007)

8 Impact of Child Care Health Consultation*  Policy—positive impact on standards-based health & safety policies  Practice—effective in promoting specific health practices in ECE programs  Regular source of care—contributes to increased # of children with up-to-date immunizations and regular source of medical care  Specialty consultation—contributes in specialty areas including mental health, nutrition and physical activity, and oral health *From The Influence of Child Care Health Consultants in Promoting Children’s Health and Well-Being: A Report on Selected Resources

9 Examples of states using specialty/other consultants  Mental health: IL, CT, MI, WI  Nutrition: OH  Early Childhood Education: CA, ID, DE

10 National CCHC Registry Of 389 Registry members:  218 with MH expertise  145 with expertise in behavioral issues  254 with expertise re: child abuse & neglect  142 with expertise in parent health issues

11 True & False Activity Directions:  Divide into groups  Answer T & F questions and discuss with others in your group

12 True & False Discussion 1.A large part of our program’s or agency’s target population between the ages of birth & five attend early education programs 2.Our program or agency is effective in getting our message out to parents of children in early education programs 3.We currently partner with our state’s CCHC initiative as a way of reaching early education providers and the families they serve 4.We are familiar with our state’s CCHC program and know who to contact about exploring a partnership 5.We are aware of the mental health services (if any) that CCHCs provide in our state.

13 Activity  Divide into small groups  Select recorder and reporter  Answer questions posed on handout  Report back to large group

14 Final Thoughts? Thank you for your participation!

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