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Utopia and Dystopia “Utopia” – comes from the Greek expression of “no place.” It refers to an ideal place; it also means any visionary system of political.

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Presentation on theme: "Utopia and Dystopia “Utopia” – comes from the Greek expression of “no place.” It refers to an ideal place; it also means any visionary system of political."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utopia and Dystopia “Utopia” – comes from the Greek expression of “no place.” It refers to an ideal place; it also means any visionary system of political or social perfection. “Dystopia” - a society characterized by human misery, as squalor, oppression, disease, and overcrowding; the worst place possible.

2 Glittering Generalities Words of praise for a product or person; using nice words like “goodness” or “best.” McDonald's is America's favorite. Namecalling Trash-talking another product or person, "mudslinging", "ad hominem attacks" Limbaugh attacks Michael J. Fox Testimonial A famous person recommends a product; also political endorsements Plain Folks Appealing to regular people's values like family, patriotism It's Morning in America Propaganda Forms Definitions Examples

3 “Propaganda Examples.” Glendale College English Lab. 23 Feb. 2010. Glendale Community College. 16 Dec. 2010. Propaganda Forms Definitions Examples Bandwagon An appeal to be part of a group. Dentist Commercial Card- Stacking Manipulating information to make a product appear better than it is often by unfair comparison or omitting facts. Comparison between Apple Macintosh and Windows computers Transfer An appeal which helps a person to imagine themselves as part of a picture. Join the Pepsi Generation Euphemism The substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.

4  Words of praise for a product or person; using nice words like goodness or patriotism   McDonald's is America's favorite.McDonald's is America's favorite.

5  Trash-talking another product or person, "mudslinging", "ad hominem attacks"   Rush Limbaugh on Michael J Fox. Rush Limbaugh on Michael J Fox.

6  A famous person recommends a product; also political endorsements  html html  Examples:  Got Milk Campaign:

7  Appealing to regular people's values like family, patriotism   It's Morning in America It's Morning in America

8  An appeal to be part of a group  html html  Dentist Commercial

9  Manipulating information to make a product appear better than it is often by unfair comparison or omitting facts.   Comparison between Apple Macintosh and Windows computers Comparison between Apple Macintosh and Windows computers

10  An appeal which helps a person to imagine themselves as part of a picture.   Join the Pepsi Generation Join the Pepsi Generation

11  the substitution of a mild, indirect, or vague expression for one thought to be offensive, harsh, or blunt.  the expression so substituted: “To pass away” is a euphemism for “to die.”  

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