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Advanced Computer Graphics Spring 2009 K. H. Ko Department of Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Computer Graphics Spring 2009 K. H. Ko Department of Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Computer Graphics Spring 2009 K. H. Ko Department of Mechatronics Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology

2 2 BSP Trees BSP trees were developed for addressing the hidden-surface problem.  They allow a scene to be view-independently decomposed in a preprocessing phase.  The resulting tree can then be traversed at runtime to give the correct sorting order of objects or individual polygons from an arbitrary viewpoint.

3 3 BSP Trees BSP trees are also very versatile when it comes to collision detection as they can serve both as a spatial partitioning (a nonboundary representation) and as a volume representation (a boundary representation).  As a spatial partitioning scheme, BSP trees are very similar to quadtrees, octrees and k-d trees, but BSP trees are more general as they can emulate these other spatial data structures.

4 4 BSP Trees  As a volume representation, BSP trees can be used to represent and distinguish the interiors of polygons and polyhedra from their exteriors.

5 5 BSP Trees Constructing a BSP tree from scratch or recomputing parts of a tree is sufficiently expensive that they are rarely built or modified at runtime.  For this reason, BSP trees are primarily used to hold static background geometry.

6 6 BSP Trees Two noticeably different variants in computer graphics  Axis-Aligned  Polygon-Aligned The trees are created by using a plane to divide the space in two, and then sorting the geometry into these two spaces. This division is done recursively. One interesting property  If the trees are traversed in a certain way, then the geometrical contents of the tree can be sorted from any point of view.

7 7 An extremely efficient method for calculating the visibility relationships among a static group of 3D polygons as seen from an arbitrary viewpoint.  Suitable for applications in which the viewpoint changes but the objects do not. BSP Trees

8 8 Basic idea of BSP tree algorithm  Environments can be viewed as being composed of clusters (collections of faces).  If a plane can be found that wholly separates one set of clusters from another, then clusters that are on the same side of the plane as the eye point can obscure but cannot be obscured by, clusters on the other side. Each of these sets of clusters can be recursively subdivided if suitable separating planes can be found. BSP Trees

9 9 Axis-Aligned BSP Trees  The whole scene is enclosed in an Axis aligned Bounding Box.  Then recursively subdivide that box into smaller boxes. Some schemes fix this partitioning plane so that it divides the box exactly in half. Others allow the plane to vary in position.  Each subset is now in a smaller box and this plane-splitting procedure is repeated, subdividing each AABB recursively until some criterion is fulfilled to halt the process.

10 10 BSP Trees Axis-Aligned BSP Trees  One strategy for splitting a box is to cycle through the axes. At the root, the box is always split along the x axis, its children are split along the y, the grandchildren along z, then the cycle repeats.  BSP trees using this strategy are sometimes called k-d trees. Another strategy is to find the largest side of the box and split the box along this direction.  This approach is time consuming.

11 11 BSP Trees Axis-Aligned BSP Trees

12 12 BSP Trees Polygon-Aligned BSP Trees  A polygon is chosen as the divider, splitting space into two halves. At the root, a polygon is selected. The plane in which the polygon lies is used to divide the rest of the polygons in the scene into two sets. Any polygon that is intersected by the dividing plane is broken into two separate pieces along the intersection line. Now in each half-space of the dividing plane another polygon is chosen as a divider, which divides only the polygons in its half- space. This is done recursively until all polygons are in the BSP tree.

13 13 BSP Trees Binary Space-Partitioning (BSP) Trees  The partitioning of the environment can be represented by a binary tree rooted at the first partitioning plane chosen. The tree’s internal nodes are the partitioning planes. Its leaves are regions in space. Each region is associated with a unique order in which clusters can obscure one another if the viewpoint is located in that region. Determining the region in which the eyepoint lies involves descending the tree from the root and choosing the left or right child of an internal node by comparing he viewpoint with the plane at that node. A correct order for scan conversion can be easily determined by the BSP tree.

14 14 BSP Trees Construction of the BSP Tree

15 15 BSP Trees Binary Space-Partitioning (BSP) Trees  Traversal in a tree to yield a correct priority-ordered polygon list for an arbitrary viewpoint. The algorithm needs to only guarantee that the sets are displayed in the correct relative order to ensure both that one set’s polygons do not interfere with the other’s and that the root polygon is displayed properly and in the correct order relative to the others. Case 1: If the viewer is in the root polygon’s front half-space  Rear half-space, root, front half-space order Case 2: If the viewer is in the root polygon’s rear half-space  Front half-space, root, rear half-space Case 3: If the polygon is seen on edge  Either way works.

16 16 BSP Trees Traversal in a tree to yield a correct priority-ordered polygon list for an arbitrary viewpoint. Example

17 17 BSP Trees The algorithm performs intersection and sorting entirely at object precision and relies on the image precision overwrite capabilities of a raster device.  It performs all polygon splitting during a preprocessing step that must be repeated only when the environment changes.  If a list priority algorithm is used for hidden line removal, special attention must be paid to the new edges introduced by the subdivision process.

18 18 BSP Trees Selecting Dividing Planes  The order in which dividing planes are selected during tree construction greatly affects the size and shape of the resulting tree, and therefore the effectiveness of the tree for querying.  It also affects the tree’s memory requirements.  However, computing an optimal BSP tree is an intractable problem. But there are good or even near-optimal solutions used in practice.

19 19 BSP Trees Selecting Dividing Planes  There are infinitely many arbitrary dividing planes.  One approach of constraining the problem is limiting the set of possible dividing planes to a finite number by relying on autopartitioning. The strategy is to restrict the search to the supporting planes of the faces in the input geometry.  But autopartitioning (alone) is not always ideal. Relying on autopartitioning alone may lead to more splitting than is desired.

20 20 BSP Trees Selecting Dividing Planes

21 21 BSP Trees Selecting Dividing Planes  Another drawback of using just autopartitioning, consider the problem of building a BSP tree from a polygon sphere. The sphere is a convex shape, all sphere faces will lie on just one side of a plane through any one of its faces.  The resulting tree will in some sense be maximally unbalanced, with a depth equal to the number of faces in the sphere.  Determining point containment is now an O(n) operation. If selected planes are instead allowed to cut across the sphere, roughly half the faces can be discarded for each plane tested, making the same worst-case query an O(log n) operation.

22 22 BSP Trees Selecting Dividing Planes  Another drawback of using just autopartitioning, consider the problem of building a BSP tree from a polygon sphere. A better option is to use a hybrid approach of alternating autopartitioning and general cuts to get both an O(log n) tree height and potential early outs.

23 23 BSP Trees Selecting Dividing Planes  A set of autopartitioning planes is first selected to separate the sphere from the surrounding empty space, forming a tetrahedron surrounding the sphere.  The resulting volume is then separated into five disjoint parts through four planes interior to the sphere.  On region corresponds to a solid tetrahedron interior to the sphere.  The remaining four regions are recursively subjected to the same separating procedure until all faces have been processed.  The resulting three can be seen as providing a sequence of approximations of the sphere through successive refinement, becoming more and more accurate with each additional level of the tree.

24 24 Convexity-based Methods The bounding volume representations have one feature in common: They are convex objects.  The existence of a separating plane for nonintersecting convex objects.  The distance between two points (one from each object) is at a local minimum. The distance is also a global minimum By exploiting the special properties of convex objects, it is possible to design efficient collision detection algorithms for them.

25 25 Boundary-based Collision Detection A simple solution to the collision detection problem for two polyhedra is to base the test on the boundary description of the objects. Let two polyhedra P and Q be given in a form allowing easy access to their vertices and faces.

26 26 Boundary-based Collision Detection The intersection can be determined as follows:  Intersect each edge of P against polyhedron Q. If an edge lies partly or fully inside Q, stop and report the polyhedra as intersecting.  Conversely, intersect each edge of Q against polyhedron P. If an edge lies partly or fully inside P, stop and report P and Q as intersecting.  Finally to deal with the degenerate case of identical objects passing through each other with their faces aligned, test the centroid of each face of Q against all faces of P. If a centroid is found contained in P, stop and return intersection.  Return nonintersection.

27 27 Boundary-based Collision Detection The algorithm formulations are O(n 2 ) in the number of vertices or edges tested. In most cases, near linear behavior can be expected. But by better exploiting the convexity of the objects, faster collision algorithms can be obtained.

28 28 Closest-features Algorithms In real-time simulations objects tend to move or rotate by small amounts from one frame to the next. For convex objects, this frame-to-frame coherence suggests that in general the closest points between two nonintersecting objects are located in the near vicinity of the closest points between the objects of the previous frame. For polyhedra, rather than tracking the closest points and using the closest points of the previous frame as a starting point a better approach is to track the closest features (vertices, edges, or faces) from frame to frame.  A pair of features, one from each of two disjoint polyhedra, are said to be the closest features if they contain a pair of closest points for the polyhedra.

29 29 Closest-features Algorithms The V-Clip Algorithm  It operates on a pair of polyhedra and is based on the following theorem, defining the closest points between the pair in terms of the closest features of the polyhedra.

30 30 Closest-features Algorithms The V-Clip Algorithm

31 31 Closest-features Algorithms V-Clip starts with two features, one from each input polyhedron. At each iteration of the algorithm, the features are tested to see if they meet the conditions of the theorem for being a closest pair of features.  If so, the algorithm terminates, returning a result of nonintersection along with the pair of closest features.  If the conditions are not met, V-Clip updates one of the features to a neighboring feature, where the neighbors of a feature are defined as follows: The neighbors of a vertex are the edges incident to the vertex. The neighbors of a face are the edges bounding the face. The neighbors of an edge are the two vertices and the two faces incident to the edge.

32 32 Closest-features Algorithms Feature pair transition chart in which solid arrows indicate strict decrease of inter-feature distance and dashed arrows indicate no change.

33 33 Closest-features Algorithms Solid arrows in the chart indicate that the interfeature distance is strictly decreased by a transition. Dashed arrows indicate no change in distance taking place. Because the chart does not contain a transition cycle of only dashed arrows, only a finite number of feature transitions can be performed before the feature distance is strictly decreased. In addition there are no transitions that increase the interfeature distance. Therefore, convergence is assured and the algorithm eventually terminates with the closest pair of features.

34 34 Closest-features Algorithms One of the transitions in the chart does not follow from the neighbor definitions  The solid arrow from the vertex-face state back to itself.  This transition is present because it is possible for the V-Clip algorithm to become trapped in a local minimum in the vertex-face state.

35 35 Closest-features Algorithms The vertex V lies below the supporting plane of face F and at the same time lies inside all Voronoi planes of the Voronoi region, VR(F) of F.  In this situation there are no legal state transitions per the chart Any attempted transition would either increase the interfeature distance or increase the dimension of a feature while the interfeature distance stayed the same.

36 36 Closest-features Algorithms When such problem distance is detected, an O(n) brute-force test is performed of the vertex V against all face of planes of object A.  If V lies inside all face planes, the objects are intersecting and the algorithm stops and reports the objects as penetrating.  Otherwise, F is updated to the face G of A that V has the largest positive signed distance from.  This choice of a new face guarantees there is no possibility of descending into the same local minimum again, in that V is strictly closer to G than to F and is at least as close to G as to all other faces of A.

37 37 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations Hierarchical representations are also useful to accelerate many queries on polyhedra.  BSP trees is one possible representation.  An alternative form of hierarchical representation is the forming of a sequence of polyhedra, nested inside each other like Russian dolls. Starting from the original polyhedron, each inscribed polyhedron of the sequence is a simplified version of its immediate outer parent.

38 38 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations Given such a hierarchy, the idea is to perform queries starting at the simplest innermost polyhedron and moving up through the hierarchy to the original polyhedron.  With just a small topological difference from one polyhedron to the next, only a small amount of work must be performed at each step, typically resulting in O(log n) queries. The most well known representation is the Dobkin- Kirkpatrick hierarchy.  It can be used for queries such as finding an extreme vertex in a given direction, locating the point on a polyhedron closest to a given point, or determining the intersection of two polyhedra.

39 39 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations The Dobkin-Kirkpatrick (DK) Hierarchy  The DK hierarchy of a d-dimensional polyhedron P is a sequence P 0, P 1, …, P k of nested increasingly smaller polytopal approximations of P, where P = P 0 and P i+1 is obtained from P i by deletion of a subset of the vertices of P i.  The subset of vertices is selected to form a maximal set of independent vertices (such that no two vertices in the set are adjacent to each other.)  The construction of the hierarchy stops with the innermost polyhedron P k being a d-simplex.

40 40 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations The Dobkin-Kirkpatrick (DK) Hierarchy  P 0 is set to be equivalent to P.  P 1 is obtained from P 0 by deleting the vertices V 1, V 3, V 5, V 7, V 9 and V 11.  P 2 is similarly obtained from P 1 by deleting V 2, V 6, V 10.  P 2 is a 2-simplex, the hierarchy construction stops.

41 41 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations Given a DK hierarchy many different queries can be answered in an efficient manner.  The point on P closest to a query point S can be located through a simple recursive procedure.

42 42 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations Starting at the innermost polyhedra P i, i=2, the closest point R i on P i to S is found through straightforward calculation. If R i =S, then S is contained in P and the algorithm stops. Otherwise, knowing R i, the closest point for P i-1 is found as follows:

43 43 Hierarchical Polyhedron Representations Let H be the supporting plane for P i through R i. P i-1 can be described as consisting of the part in front of H and the part behind H:  P i-1 = (P i-1 ∩ H + ) ∪ (P i-1 ∩ H - ) The closest point R i-1 is therefore realized either between P i-1 ∩ H + and S or between P i-1 ∩ H - and S. The closest point between P i-1 ∩ H - and S is directly given by R i. Because P i-1 ∩ H + is defined by one vertex and two edges, the closest point between P i-1 ∩ H + and S is computed in constant time. The point on P closest to the query point S is located in O(log n) steps and in O(log n) time.

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