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Workshop on the organization of National Statistical Systems and user-producer relations for countries in South Asia National Statistical Systems – the.

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop on the organization of National Statistical Systems and user-producer relations for countries in South Asia National Statistical Systems – the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop on the organization of National Statistical Systems and user-producer relations for countries in South Asia National Statistical Systems – the foundation of the Global Statistical System Stefan Schweinfest UN Statistics Division Colombo, Sri Lanka 22-24 July 2008

2 Structure of presentation Driving forces for a Global Statistical System Driving forces for a Global Statistical System Elements of the Global Statistical System Elements of the Global Statistical System Global Statistical System in action Global Statistical System in action National Statistical Systems as foundation of the Global Statistical System National Statistical Systems as foundation of the Global Statistical System Future challenges Future challenges

3 Driving forces for a Global Statistical System Globalization of the demand for statistics Globalization of the demand for statistics  International organizations (UN Development agenda)  Private sector  Academia IT revolution IT revolution “Division of labour” “Division of labour”

4 Global Statistical System??? Global ? - as opposed to ‘international’ Global ? - as opposed to ‘international’ Statistical ? - official statistics only Statistical ? - official statistics only System ? - or federation, network, mess System ? - or federation, network, mess

5 Elements of the Global Statistical System National Statistical Systems National Statistical Systems International intergovernmental bodies (e.g. UNSC, CES, Labour Statisticians) International intergovernmental bodies (e.g. UNSC, CES, Labour Statisticians) International statistical offices (e.g. UNSD, ECE, ILO etc.) International statistical offices (e.g. UNSD, ECE, ILO etc.) International statistical associations International statistical associations

6 UN - Elements of the Global Statistical System UN Statistical Commission UN Statistical Commission Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities UN Statistics Division UN Statistics Division

7 UN Statistical Commission History/Mandate: Started in 1946 Started in 1946 Small (24 members) and technical Small (24 members) and technical Promoting development of national statistics and improvement of comparability Promoting development of national statistics and improvement of comparability Coordination of statistical work of specialized agencies Coordination of statistical work of specialized agencies Development of statistical services of UN secretariat Development of statistical services of UN secretariat Advising UN system on statistical matters Advising UN system on statistical matters Promoting improvement of statistics and statistical methods generally Promoting improvement of statistics and statistical methods generally

8 Committee for the Coordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) Since 1966 – reconstituted in 2002; Since 1966 – reconstituted in 2002; Meetings twice a year Meetings twice a year Participation of over 20 Chief Statisticians (UN System as well as World Bank, IMF, OECD, Regional Development Banks, Eurostat). Participation of over 20 Chief Statisticians (UN System as well as World Bank, IMF, OECD, Regional Development Banks, Eurostat). “Promote coordination, integration and complementarity among the statistical programmes of the international organizations..” “Promote coordination, integration and complementarity among the statistical programmes of the international organizations..” Principles governing international statistical activities Principles governing international statistical activities

9 UN Statistics Division to develop and promote global statistical standards to develop and promote global statistical standards to collect, analyse and disseminate social, economic, political and environment statistical data to collect, analyse and disseminate social, economic, political and environment statistical data to assist Member States to establish a functioning statistical system to assist Member States to establish a functioning statistical system to coordinate and promote global statistical activities and enhance the functioning of the UN Statistical Commission to coordinate and promote global statistical activities and enhance the functioning of the UN Statistical Commission to support DESA in its multidimensional programme of work on social and economic affairs to support DESA in its multidimensional programme of work on social and economic affairs

10 Global Statistical System in action Developing statistical standards Developing statistical standards Compiling and disseminating global data Compiling and disseminating global data Technical cooperation Technical cooperation

11 Global Statistical System in action - Standards Concise Oxford Dictionary: STANDARD “weight or measure to which others conform or by which the accuracy or quality of others is judged; thing serving as basis of comparison” Develop “common professional language”.

12 Global Statistical System in action – Standards Challenges: Need for an integrated presentation of the family of standards Need for an integrated presentation of the family of standards Differentiate normative degrees: Standards, Principles, Recommendations, Manuals etc. Differentiate normative degrees: Standards, Principles, Recommendations, Manuals etc. Ensure full legitimacy of global standards (Statistical Commission). Ensure full legitimacy of global standards (Statistical Commission). Assist countries in the implementation of standards Assist countries in the implementation of standards Assess degree of compliance with global standards Assess degree of compliance with global standards

13 Global Statistical System in action Make UN databases freely available Organize international databases to allow searchability and open access Promote national data dissemination Build a global data dissemination infrastructure

14 Global Statistical System in action – Technical cooperation Multitude of bilateral and multilateral projects of cooperation reflect the shared vision of the Global Statistical System and a sense of professional solidarity; Multitude of bilateral and multilateral projects of cooperation reflect the shared vision of the Global Statistical System and a sense of professional solidarity; Context of reduced funding: coordination and pooling of resources becomes all the more imperative. Context of reduced funding: coordination and pooling of resources becomes all the more imperative. Improve the level of coordination, through Improve the level of coordination, through  (i) early harmonization of submissions for projects,  (ii) common approach to evaluation of technical cooperation and training activities  (iii) sharing of training and other technical cooperation material.

15 National Statistical Systems as foundation of the Global Statistical System Many different types of national systems: Many different types of national systems:  Decentralized vs. centralized  high visibility and unique identity vs. part of larger organization No single “best practice” model for statistical governance No single “best practice” model for statistical governance Statistical systems reflect individual country circumstances (historical and cultural) Statistical systems reflect individual country circumstances (historical and cultural) Common characteristics of successful and effective statistical systems: Credibility, Influence, Responsiveness and Innovativeness. Common characteristics of successful and effective statistical systems: Credibility, Influence, Responsiveness and Innovativeness.

16 National Statistical Systems as foundation of the Global Statistical System (2) “Credibility and trust is hard to win, but easy to lose” Internal: Internal:  Quality assessment process  Methodological soundness  Professional integrity External: External:  International certification and peer reviews  Complying with international standards  Quality assurance programme

17 National Statistical Systems as foundation of the Global Statistical System (Tools) Fundamental Principles Fundamental Principles  Adopted by the UN Statistical Commission in 1994  challenge of the implementation. Handbook of Statistical Organization (2003) Handbook of Statistical Organization (2003)  Topics: statistical law, council, chief statistician, coordination, resource management (financial, human, IT); user communications

18 National Statistical Systems as foundation of the Global Statistical System (Tools) UNSD Website of good practices UNSD Website of good practices Handbook (revision 4) evolving Handbook (revision 4) evolving

19 Future challenges Governance of the global statistical system (effectiveness, coherence, technical focus) Governance of the global statistical system (effectiveness, coherence, technical focus) Better support for the implementation of global standards – ensure compliance Better support for the implementation of global standards – ensure compliance How to tackle new areas? How to tackle new areas? Organization of an effective global “data traffic” (consistent, transparent, fast) Organization of an effective global “data traffic” (consistent, transparent, fast) Better framework for effective technical cooperation at all levels Better framework for effective technical cooperation at all levels Development of a comprehensive strategic plan for the Global Statistical System? Development of a comprehensive strategic plan for the Global Statistical System?

20 Thank you!

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