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Principles of Chemistry Agenda Review names Review elements Safety Review Class notes on Chemistry.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Chemistry Agenda Review names Review elements Safety Review Class notes on Chemistry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Chemistry Agenda Review names Review elements Safety Review Class notes on Chemistry

2 Please submit safety contract. Pass North and then West

3 Odds and Evens Evens – face the back of the room Odds – face forward Odds – say element name Evens – say symbol Switch

4 Week 1 Elements hydrogen lithium sodium potassium beryllium magnesium calcium strontium barium H Li Na K Be Mg Ca Sr Ba

5 Star Color Group Need one white board, pen and towel per group

6 Safety Rules Review Make a general sketch of room marking the following 1.Fire extinguisher? 2.Eye wash? 3.Where do we meet in case of a fire? 4.Shower? 5.Fire blanket? 6.Phone? 7.Exits?


8 Chemistry Definition: is the study of matter and the changes that it undergoes. Rewrite this definition in terms that an elementary student would understand.

9 What is matter? Provide your best definition. Anything that has mass and takes up space.

10 Mass vs. Weight What’s the difference? Mass is constant. It depends on the amount of matter present. Weight varies depending on the pull of gravity

11 Branches of Chemistry *A nalytical – Studying substance to determine what they are made of (Laboratory work) ex. Food nutrients and quality control P hysical – the physics behind changes of matter & the related energy changes. ex: Reaction rates and reaction mechanisms. B iochemistry – the biology of matter and processes of living organisms. ex: metabolism, fermentation

12 *I norganic – the study of the periodic table - This Class ex: metals, metalloid and nonmetals O rganic – the study of carbon containing compounds. ex: pharmaceuticals and plastics. Branches of Chemistry CONT


14 Scientific Method Write the 6 steps to the scientific method. Compare with others. Did you get them all? 1.State the problem 2.Gather information 3.Hypothesis 4.Experiment 5.Record and Analyze Data 6.Conclusions

15 Hypothesis Define. A tentative explanation of some regularity of nature.

16 Scientific Method CONT A theory is a TESTED explanation of basic natural phenomena. –Watch out! Society uses “theory” as scientists define hypothesis. A Scientific law is a theory proven correct and there are no exceptions.

17 Scientific Method CONT Jack-Jack Attack!

18 Qual vs. Quant. Observations made could be –qualitative – describe color, odor, shape, etc. –quantitative – measured data: temperature, pressure, volume, mass, length

19 Variables may be… independent – controlled variable (time, temperature) (X-axis). dependent – changes depending on independent variable (Y-axis). Need a control – a standard to compare to.

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