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Kaldi Coffee Shop Kylee Doyle BOSS Technologies. About Us  Café food truck  At Hanover  Based on origin of coffee.

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Presentation on theme: "Kaldi Coffee Shop Kylee Doyle BOSS Technologies. About Us  Café food truck  At Hanover  Based on origin of coffee."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kaldi Coffee Shop Kylee Doyle BOSS Technologies

2 About Us  Café food truck  At Hanover  Based on origin of coffee

3 Goals  Short term goal: Be introduced to campus life, and add tea products  Medium term goal: Become a part of the meal plans and the business scholars program  Long term goal: Become a staple in campus life

4 SWOT Analysis ○ Strengths – ○ Large pool of potential employees ○ Specific market target ○ Placement ○ Convenience ○ Weaknesses – ○ Small local economy ○ Multiple change in employees ○ Inexperienced employee pool ○ Opportunities – ○ Permanent store ○ Become a staple in campus life ○ BSP ○ Threats - ○ Starbucks ○ Cafeteria ○ Meal plans

5 Management  Sole proprietorship  5-6 part time employees  Minimum wage  Placed in front of Duggen Library at the Hanover Campus

6 Marketing Analysis  College students  Burgundy and forest green  Social media sites  Warm and fun environment  Prices  Shirts

7 Financial Analysis ItemAmountUse Truck6,761.22 (10) 4323.9 (20)Store front and supplies Sleeves80Advertise store Syrup flavors840Lattes Paint job900Aesthetics Coffee Beans140Coffee Gas40Driving the van Payment for first 6 months26,088It is required Cups + Lids170Coffee Patio table + chair170Sitting space Advertisement60Advertising Milk192Lattes (6 month supply) Shirts471.75Promotion Total10 year payment20 year payment 35,912.9733,475.65


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