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LUNAR SECON Team 2 Senior Design 2 Mid-Semester Presentation February 28th, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "LUNAR SECON Team 2 Senior Design 2 Mid-Semester Presentation February 28th, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 LUNAR SECON Team 2 Senior Design 2 Mid-Semester Presentation February 28th, 2008

2 SECON Team 2 Andrew Tigert Khanh Bui Ryan Sparks Chris Dailey Dr. Bryan Jones LocomotionXX PowerXX Block Pickup and Storage XXX GyroscopeX IntegrationXX Faculty AdvisorX

3 Presentation Outline  Competition Basics  Design Constraints  Design Changes  Summary and Timeline

4 Competition Basics  Block point values  Maximum of 4 blocks can be scored  6-minute matches  Three preliminary rounds  Single robot  Cumulative score determines seeding in playoffs  Head-to-Head Playoffs  Top 8 teams from preliminary rounds  Two robots on the same playing field

5 Block Placement

6 Presentation Outline  Competition Basics  Design Constraints  Design Changes  Summary and Timeline

7 Modularity  Components are easily interchangeable  Pick-up mechanism  Batteries  Servos Removable pick-up mechanism

8 Reliability  Must not require any major repairs in between rounds  Material and construction choices  Base  Gripper assembly  Convert potential major problems into easily repairable minor problems

9 Technical Constraints NameDescription DimensionsThe robot must be completely self contained and no larger than 10” x 10” x 11”. Block Pick-upThe robot must be able to pick up blocks at varying angles on three different terrains without sliding the blocks more than 4 inches Block StorageThe robot must be able to store at least 1 block onboard. SpeedThe top speed of the robot must be at least 6 inches per second. PowerThe battery must be able to supply power for a minimum of 7 minutes

10 Presentation Outline  Competition Basics  Design Constraints  Design Changes  Summary and Timeline

11 Design I Progress  Maneuvers on 2 of the 3 terrains  Performs 90 degree turns  Collects and stores 2 blocks  Returns to home base  Outside size constraint

12 LCD  Used for debugging  Connected to Team 2’s PIC  Team 1 sends information for display

13 PIC migration  Pin changes  Servos  Peripheral interrupts  Serial communication  PIC kit is now used  Migration headaches  New configuration file

14 PCB  Initial PCB design & population  PICs functional tests  Required changes for next revision

15 Block Storage  Storage Constraint: 1  Storage Capability: 4  Three blocks are held in the tray  Gripper holds the last block  Recessed area holds side blocks in place

16 Rotation  New Servo Allows for Precise Turning  Gears  Easier to take apart, better for testing  Do not break or skip teeth  Very reliable

17 Rotation  Ball Bearing Joint allows for smooth rotation

18 Gripper  New Lifting Servo Mounts  Smooth Rod for Lifting  Teflon Allows for Smoother Travel Along the Horizontal Rod

19 Encoders  Vex encoders vs. U.S. Digital  Size  Shaft type  Used for driving straight  Secondary block detection

20 Gyroscope  Measures turn angles  Collision correction

21 Test Plan  Completed  PICs  Pick-up Mechanism  Track Servos  Storage Tray  Ongoing  PCB  Encoders  Gyroscope

22 Design II Summary  Encoders provide feedback on motors  Gyro used for collision detection/correction  Storage system holds 4 blocks  Robot meets the size constraints  Tracks replace wheels and casters  PCB design

23 Timeline JanFebMarApr Track Construction Body Redesign PCB Design Translate to PIC18F6527 Change Approach Populate PCB Integration Testing Competition

24 Questions?

25 Resources  [1] IEEE. (2007, Sept. 4). “2008 SoutheastCon Hardware Competition Rules,” IEEE Region 3 Huntsville Section Web Site. [Online]. Available: ardware_Competition_Rules_v16.pdf

26 Last Crayon Machine  Makes all crayons needed… ever!!!  Plus the Slow-Motion Popcorn Popper

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