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Disability, poverty and livelihoods. General figures…  10% - 12% of the world’s population has some form of impairment disability (over 600 million people)

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Presentation on theme: "Disability, poverty and livelihoods. General figures…  10% - 12% of the world’s population has some form of impairment disability (over 600 million people)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Disability, poverty and livelihoods

2 General figures…  10% - 12% of the world’s population has some form of impairment disability (over 600 million people)  80% live in low-income countries  82% of people with disabilities live below the poverty line  80% of people with disabilities of working age are unemployed

3 … & Facts  Women with disabilities are generally worse off than men with disabilities  The majority of people with disabilities in developing countries live in rural areas  There is a higher rate of unemployment among people with disabilities than among the rest of the population

4 Link between poverty and disability Sources : DFID

5 Disability: a dormant factor… … which does not affect people facing severe and chronic poverty. Sources : National disability survey in Afghanistan - 2005 The impact of being a person with disabilities is felt when the situation starts improving The situation in Afghanistan

6 Livelihood opportunities Employment Social security resources / safety net Self-employment  Lack of opportunities in the job market  Exist in only some developed countries  Most often the only option available : 80% of disabled people who have an economic activity are self-employed

7 Conclusion ✓ People with disabilities suffer from high poverty levels and high rates of unemployment; yet employment is essential to earning a living, helping to support the family and improving self- esteem. ✓ Self-employment is often the only option open to many people with disabilities. In most cases, it is difficult for them to find a formal job in developing countries.

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