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Step one Chose a fish/organism -Number of organisms 1inch fish/gallon -Figure out its needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Step one Chose a fish/organism -Number of organisms 1inch fish/gallon -Figure out its needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step one Chose a fish/organism -Number of organisms 1inch fish/gallon -Figure out its needs

2 Step 2- equipment what equipment does it need: – Size and shape of tank – Heater or Heat Lamp – Lighting – Filtration System – Stand – Substrate (gravel, crushed coral, sand, dolomite) – Plants, Rocks, Shells etc.

3 Step 3- clean the tank When cleaning the tank: – FRESH cold WATER AND SALT – NEVER USE DETERGENT, SOAP OR CHLORINE BLEACH

4 Step 4 – Tank Placement The tank needs a perfect spot to live… away from: – windows – radiators – air conditioners. – Don’t place it where it would be hard to clean up mess It should be placed near: – that all equipment should be available for maintenance, cleaning and care of fish – on a steady surface that can support the weight Note- salt water weighs a lot more than freshwater, Place cardboard underneath tank to cushion it and make it easy to slide

5 Step 5- Check for Leaks (step one)fill the tank Half way with water, then wait 24 hours and observe for leaks Than if you did not see any leaksgo on to the next step (step two)Fill to within 1 inch of top, wait 24 hours and observe for leaks – Note: If you but card board under the tank you should would see it get darker if there was any leaks.

6 Step 6 - Salt In a freshwater tank- add marine salt to the water until a density between – 1.017g/ml to 1.020g/ml is reached In a fresh water tank add one tablespoon of non iodized salt to prevent fungal infections

7 Step 7- Substrate Add substrate of 1 inch Freshwater tanks only take: gravel sand Marine uses: crushed coral dolomite marine sand or living sand

8 Step 8 - Filtration To maintain optimal fish health, 3 types of filtration are necessary. – Physical Pads, sponges, floss, sand or other media that remove solid particles: Excess food Wastes Pieces of fin, scale Plant matter – Biological A biowheel grows beneficial bacteria. These bacteria break down deadly nitrogenous wastes from living organisms and decaying food. Bacteria break down: » Ammonia (deadly) to Nitrite to Nitrate – Chemical Activated Carbon removes harmful gases dissolved in water.

9 Step 9-heating Most fish can only survive range of 72-80° Fahrenheit. install a submersible heater to keep this narrow range. – You need 5 watts per gallon To Install heater: Place unplugged heater at bottom of tank horizontally for 15 minutes Then set temperature and plug in heater Wait 24 hours then measure temperature and adjust heater if needed

10 Step 10 - Decorations The tank must be similar to their natural environment as possible Adding live plants: food, 0xygen, a place to hide and lay eggs Plastic plants: place to hide and lay eggs Rocks, caves, coral, and tubes: a place to hide – Note: shells, coral and calcareous rocks can only be used in High pH aquariums, mostly marine

11 Step 11- Cover and lighting Why it is needed- – Cover: Prevent fish from jumping out of the tank, Slow evaporation, Keep dust out of the tank Tanks with ___ need_____: – reef tanks and tanks with live plants: daily lighting – Reef tanks: bluish light for live coral and anemones and full spectrum white light for plants and algae – live plants: 12 hours a day of full spectrum white light.

12 Step 12-Selecting fish catching What too look for in fish(when selecting fish): – active – regular breathing pattern – clear eyes – no torn fins or sores – No fuzzy stuff on body When catching a fish (the right way): – Slowly, using a container – A net removes the protective slime coat and irritates skin( never use a net)

13 Step 13-Acclimating fish – Float bag in new tank for 15 minutes adding small amounts of water to the bag: making the temperatures similar – After 15 minutes let fish swim out of bag(NO FORCE) – Observe behavior

14 Step14-Caring for fish Feed small amount – only as much food as fish can eat in 3 minutes then remove excess Need to establish baseline for comparison – Observe fish for 20 minutes or more for several days Determine its favorite spot in the tank – Observe its: behavior toward tank mates its body and fins noting markings and coloration its gill movements Its eating Test and Record – pH – Ammonia level – Nitrite level – Maintain ideal levels for optimal health

15 15- important caring info In order to prevent disease, regular maintenance is critical The single most important maintenance procedure is a water change – Clean gravel at least once a month – Change 20% a month to remove harmful wastes and replace trace elements – Clean filter pad every month, replace every 3 months


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