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Lady Boswell’s Learning together Learning for life.

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1 Lady Boswell’s Learning together Learning for life

2 Our Vision Statement Christ is at the centre of our school We value every member of our community as a unique child of God and We seek to demonstrate his love through our words and actions Christian ethos.

3 These values are fundamental to the school and if expansion proceeds will be protected  With strong leadership and the outstanding relationship between the church, governors, school and parents  Because these values come from the beliefs and attitudes of those who make up our school community  The admission criteria will still remain, giving priority to families at the heart of St Nicholas and other churches. We have an opportunity to offer 30 more children each year the chance to be educated at our outstanding Christian School  There are currently families who want a church education but cannot access it  Sevenoaks churches are growing – but not faith school places  do we hold tight to what we have or reach out in faith?

4 Our school as a Family Families come in all shapes and sizes.  Collective worship as a whole school will remain central to our daily life, so we will ensure the hall is enlarged  Year group classrooms will always be next to each other  Teachers would work with other classes so they will be able to know every child throughout the school  Two form will build slowly allowing time for adjustment to expansion and for the school to evolve into a bigger, but just as loving a family  We will adapt the buddy system during the transition to ensure that every year R child still forms that special relationship  We will increase the numbers of lunchtime buddies and peer mentors to ensure that KS2 are still looking after KS1

5 Standards The outstanding achievement of children in our school is not down to the number of children but to the outstanding staff we employ. An increase in size would enable us recruit even more outstanding teachers and teaching assistants. Two form entry allows teachers to share ideas and to plan together. We have the skills, the infrastructure and desire to continually improve and one method is to share good practice for 2 classes across each year group. It is the primary role of the Headteacher to ensure every child achieves their full potential.

6 Extended Curriculum More pupils would increase the number of staff bringing expertise to the classroom and to run clubs, extending our already enriched curriculum.

7 In conclusion – building for the future Expansion will change the school experience for children who previously were not able to obtain a place at Lady B's. The Bible teaches us to love our neighbours as ourselves. I believe that such an outstanding school for our current children should also be outstanding for our "neighbours” We have a unique opportunity to build a school for your children, your grand children and their grandchildren: A purpose built extension with better facilities for all our children with room for all those seeking a school where Christ is at the centre and Every Child Matters

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