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Chapter 2 Review Algebra I. Solve for x. -5 = x + 9 X = -14.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 2 Review Algebra I. Solve for x. -5 = x + 9 X = -14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 2 Review Algebra I

2 Solve for x. -5 = x + 9 X = -14

3 Solve for x. x + (-4.2) = 8.6 X = 12.8

4 Solve for x. x + (-5) = -2

5 Solve for x. X – (-⅝) = ¾ X = ⅛

6 -4a – 1 = -1

7 -2t + 4 = 10 – t

8 11 = ½ b – (-3)

9 -2( t -2) = 10 – t

10 Write and solve the equation that corresponds to the statement. The sum of y and negative 3 is five. Y + (-3) = 5 Y = 8

11 During one week, Damon made deposits in his checking account of $532.40 and $450.98. He wrote a check for $837.75. By how much did his account increase or decrease during the week? $532.40 + 450.98 - $837.75 = $145.63

12 The sum of two consecutive integers is 125. Find the integers.

13 A school has $6500 budgeted for textbooks. The principal wants to buy 120 new geography textbooks for $39.95 each. How much money will be left in the textbook budget after the purchase? 120 · $39.95 = $ 4794.00 $6500 - $4794.00 = $1706.00

14 Find the principal when the interest is $300 at 5% rate over 5 years.

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