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Unit 2 Effective Citizenship Introduction. SS5CG1a Explain the Responsibilities of a Citizen.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2 Effective Citizenship Introduction. SS5CG1a Explain the Responsibilities of a Citizen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2 Effective Citizenship Introduction

2 SS5CG1a Explain the Responsibilities of a Citizen

3 Responsibilities are things you are required by law to do: Obey laws Attend school Pay taxes: taxes help pay for government services What are some of the services local, state, and national governments provide?

4 SS5CG1b Explain the Freedoms Granted by the Bill of Rights.

5 The Bill of Rights are the first 10 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution An amendment is a change, or an addition to the Constitution The Bill of Rights provide Americans with basic freedoms and rights What’s the Constitution?

6 The 1 st Amendment gives citizens the freedom of speech, press, religion, petition, and assembly Though citizens have these rights, they are limited: Can newspapers print whatever they want?

7 Bill of Rights 2nd: The right to own weapons 3 rd : Citizens do not have to allow soldiers to live in their homes 4 th : The police need a warrant to search property

8 Bill of Rights 5 th : Citizens have due process (right to a fair trial) 6 th : Citizens have the right to a speedy trial with a jury (a jury is a group of people who help decide the guilt or innocence of a person at a trial)

9 Bill of Rights 7 th : You can have a jury trial if the disagreement is more than $20 8 th :Bail can not be excessive What’s the purpose of bail?

10 Bill of Rights 9 th : Citizens have other rights not listed in the Constitution 10 th : Any power not given to the federal government, belongs to the states (like licenses)

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