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Update of Booster Alignment & Magnet Moves February 20, 2013 Bill Marsh, Kiyomi Seiya, Dean Still, Kent Triplet Alex Waller.

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Presentation on theme: "Update of Booster Alignment & Magnet Moves February 20, 2013 Bill Marsh, Kiyomi Seiya, Dean Still, Kent Triplet Alex Waller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Update of Booster Alignment & Magnet Moves February 20, 2013 Bill Marsh, Kiyomi Seiya, Dean Still, Kent Triplet Alex Waller

2 Long 7Aligned beam pipe Long 10Aligned beam pipe Long 11Aligned beam pipe Long 12kickerRotated V  HAlignment Short 12Corr. & BPMNew BPMAlignment Long 13Absorbernew Long 14BRF#1,#2Missing BRF#1 Long 15BRF#3,#4Missing BRF#3 Long 16BRF#5,#615Hz Op. cavitiesAlignment Long 17BRF#7,#815Hz Op. cavitiesAlignment Long 18BRF#19 Long 19BRF#17,#18PA SS upgrade Long 20RWM Long 21BRF#9,#10PA SS upgrade Long 22BRF#11,#12PA SS upgrade on #11 Long 23BRF#13,#14PA SS upgrade Long 24BRF#15,#16PA SS upgrade Moved components during Shutdown

3 VL04Replaced RF module HL10Replaced RF module HL11Found jumpers and no connection to BPMs VL11Found jumpers and no connection to BPMs HL12Replaced RF module HS12New BPM, Replaced RF module, Changed gain and offset on frontend VS12New BPM, Replaced RF module, Changed gain and offset on frontend HS23It still has issue. BPMs which didn’t work after shutdown

4 Aperture scan analysis: offline to online *Comparison has to be done with two software.

5 Aperture (90%) before and after shutdown Long Short * Assuming beam size was same. *Central position from the data after shutdown was normalized to the data before.

6 Aperture: Upper - Lower

7 #1 D F F D #2 #3 D F F D #4 #5 D F F D #6 #7 D F F D #8 #9 D F F D #10 #11 D F F D #12 #13 D F F D #14 #15 D F F D #16 #17 D F F D #18 #19 D F F D #20 #21 D F F D #22 #23 D F F D #24 +5mm -5mm 0 +5mm -5mm 0 RF Corrector FD FD Period #22 Period #23Period #24 1.3 mm Move1 Magnet move 2 Two magnets were realigned in Feb. 18, 2013 period 22: F-up magnet (upstream of the magnet by +1.3mm) period 24: F-up magnet (upstream of the magnet by +1.3mm)

8 Magnet Move Program MAD Orbit difference with the vertical alignment error. 10mm -10mm

9 Orbit difference before and after the magnet move

10 V apertires before and after the magnet move V_Long V_Short

11 After move2 before move2 VS22 before and after the magnet move

12 Plan Redo scans at 20 – 23. Measure beam size with MW. Fix BPM HS23. Move magnet

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