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Assignment Due 10/15 HPR 322. The Rest of the Assignment Program Title Program Proposal Mission Statement (philosophy) Vision Statement (optional) Needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Assignment Due 10/15 HPR 322. The Rest of the Assignment Program Title Program Proposal Mission Statement (philosophy) Vision Statement (optional) Needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assignment Due 10/15 HPR 322

2 The Rest of the Assignment Program Title Program Proposal Mission Statement (philosophy) Vision Statement (optional) Needs Assessment  Goals (general – at least 2)  Objectives (specific – at least 2 for each goal)  Program Format and Design

3 HPR 322 Chapter 6

4 Establishing Program Direction The Vision and Mission Statements establish a general direction Goals and Objectives describe services provided and participant benefits What services are you going to provide and why? How do you know the services are beneficial to the participants?

5 Developing Goals & Objectives Goals are broad, objectives are (more) specific Objectives are a means of measuring whether or not goals are met Goals may be (or sound) “subjective” but well-written objectives are “objective,” (makes sense, doesn’t it)

6 Goals vs. Objectives Program Goals – Broad statements that define the leisure services to be produced –The aims or ends toward which the leisure service professional directs their activities Program Objectives – Specific statements that are measurable and some dimension of time –How will you know the participants benefitted? What behaviors can be observed and measured? Benefits or outcomes achieved by participants – Performance Objectives

7 Objectives - Characteristics (SMART) –S pecific –M easurable –A ttainable –R ealistic –T imelined

8 What would be a good goal for: Art program? (drawing, painting, sculpture) Music program? (vocal or instrumental) Book/reading program? (any type) Film appreciation program? (any genre) Computer instruction program? (graphics, web instruction) Bowling program? (any level) Canoeing? (any level)

9 My Goal Use water exercise instruction to enhance the physical health and psychological well- being of participants –Subjective, not really assessable or measurable –Will need to draw out measurable elements for the objectives

10 Behavioral or Performance Objectives Very Specific Written to be Measurable/Assessable –Should be possible for anyone (trained) to observe and determine if objectives are met Frequently used in TR/RT or in medical/allied health areas –Insurers including Medicare/Medicaid want to see that interventions or treatments lead to outcomes –Why do something if it isn’t effective??? Behavior + Condition + Criteria

11 Examples After completing the “Learn to Bowl” program, John will demonstrate familiarity with the rules of bowling by accurately describing them when asked to do so by his instructor (as assessed by the instructor) –Condition: After completing…. –Behavior: demonstrate –Criteria: accurately describing when asked to do as assessed by instructor

12 Another Example During ball practice, all participants in the softball skills program will hit a pitched ball into fair territory at least 20% of the time –Condition: During ball practice –Behavior: hit a pitched ball –Criteria: into fair territory at least 20% of the time

13 The Good News… Your program objectives do NOT have to be so complex Good example (again!) Red Cross or other learn to swim programs –Participants who meet the criteria can move to another level –Less specific about conditions, circumstances –Always (understood) to be “as assessed by the instructor”

14 Back to the Program Proposal Think about the “benefits to participants” – this should guide your objectives (and goals) Physical/exercise activities: –Improve tolerance, improve skill, learn new skills, learn the rules, learn about use of equipment, learn specific habits (check heart rate, drink water, etc.), learn/improve sportsmanship

15 Other Activities Creative/visual arts: –Learn technique, skills, care of instrument, reading music, using oil paint, water color, etc. create a specific thing, learn a piece of music, a part in a play, write a monologue, perform in front of others, etc. Social/person skills: (many types of activities) –Work in groups, lead group or activity, make speech, instruct, present, work/play/participate without conflict, contribute efforts toward goal, recruit or attract others into activity or program, organize or assist with event, manage or complete tasks as requested, etc.

16 Examples from my program Participants in the water exercise program will have an exercise tolerance of 45 minutes at the conclusion of the 4-week program (level II – could be 1 hr, etc.) All participants in the water exercise program will learn how to check pulse or heart rate and to adjust exercise intensity accordingly

17 Sample Goals and Objectives Mission: To expose talented high school, college, and junior college basketball players to coaches to promote recruitment of these players Goal: This league will bring college basketball coaches to Hattiesburg to watch and recruit the players. This event would promote all levels of basketball in MS Objectives: To have at least 10 teams participating At least 5 college coaches will attend to search for talented players At least four players will be recruited by visiting coaches

18 Mission: The ______ Afterschool Learning Program seeks to enhance communities and enrich the lives of the children in the City of Hattiesburg by providing a safe, supportive, and structured environment that support the overall health and well-being of the children. ___________Program offers quality educational, recreational, and cultural programs that promote the social, physical, intellectual, and emotional development of children and youth. Goal: To provide the children with a program that will include a myriad of activities that will improve reading skills of participants through creative reading activities Objective: Children will improve their literacy skills by 3 points which will be measured by a reading assessment tool. Objective: Each child will read at home for at least 1 hour at least 2 nights a week and have this verified by a parent signature on an accomplishment form which will be submitted to the program leader each week.

19 Goal: Improve the motor skills through structured physical activities and games Objective: Each child will improve their score on a standardized agility test by at least 5 points by the end of the program. Objective: Each child will improve their time to complete an obstacle course by at least 10 seconds between the initial attempt and the attempt at the end of the program.

20 Mission: The Mission of the Hub City Horse Club is to provide the participants with recreation and leisure services that benefit those involved in a positive and beneficial way by providing a program which teaches individuals about the aspects of horsemanship. Goal: Improve and/or build, for the participants, a knowledge base regarding horses and the leisure activity of horseback riding. Objective: Participants will demonstrate an improved knowledge base regarding horses as evidenced by group discussions during the program Objective: Participants will demonstrate improved horse riding skills as judged by the program leaders

21 Mission: To improve the physical, mental, social, and creative well-being of the participants by making the summer program affordable and providing a safe environment for the children to play and participate, to improve their social skills with other children their age, and to provide activities in which these children are willing to, as well as be able to, participate. Goal: To implement fun and creative activities which provide opportunities for the participants to interact and develop friendships with children from all areas of the community. Objective: Participants will be able to name at least one new friend they have made and participate with them each week during the “New Friend” activity. Objective: Participants will be able to call all other participants by name by the end of the program.

22 What are your goals? (personal or professional/educational) Graduate? What objectives do you need to achieve first? Get a good (or better) job? What objectives do you need to achieve first? Recreational goals – golf a certain score; run a certain speed/distance; make a quilt; learn to play/sing a piece of music; complete a painting, etc. What objectives do you need to achieve first?

23 In 2 Thursdays, 10/18 Assignment due – 1.Program Title 2. Program Proposal 3.Mission Statement (Vision Statement optional) 4.Needs Assessment 5.Program Goals (at least 2) 6.Performance Objectives (at least 2 for each Goal)

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