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Thursday, September 24, 2015 Learning Facilitator Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Thursday, September 24, 2015 Learning Facilitator Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thursday, September 24, 2015 Learning Facilitator Meeting

2 Overall goal for the day  To provide support for learning facilitators to be successful within their role. Sub-goals  To develop relationships  To deepen our understandings of our beliefs and how they connect to the My Prairie Spirit Classroom  To provide exemplars and model processes that Learning Facilitators can use when learning side by side with staff

3 Feedback 

4 The ROLE of the Facilitator What is it? What isn’t it? What are you not sure about?

5 Role Playing Scenarios

6 BREAK Sharing ideas

7  Making connections

8 ALT learning with Dean Michelle Prytula



11 Learning Facilitator Meeting Overall goal for the day  To provide support for learning facilitators to be successfulwithin their role. Sub-goals  To develop relationships  To deepen our understandings of our beliefs and how theyconnect to the My Prairie Spirit Classroom  To provide exemplars and model processes that LearningFacilitators can use when learning side by side with staff

12 Constructing Knowledge in the Curriculum Learning Facilitator Meeting


14 My PS Classroom  My instruction includes opportunities for all students to construct knowledge, have choice in learning and experience explicit teaching and modeling of learning strategies that students can apply while exploring new ideas.

15 Think – Pair - Share

16 Saskatchewan’s Goals of Education (1985)  Basic Skills  Lifelong Learning  Self Concept Development  Positive Lifestyle  Understanding and Relating to Others  Spiritual Development  Career and Consumer Decisions  Membership in Society  Growing with Change

17 How Broad Areas of Learning relate to Goals of Education  Lifelong Learners relates to: Basic Skills, Lifelong Learning, Self Concept Development, Positive Lifestyle  Sense of Self and Community relates to: Understanding & Relating to Others, Self Concept Development, Positive Lifestyle, Spiritual Development  Engaged Citizens relates to: Understanding and Relating to Others, Positive Lifestyle, Membership in Society, Career and Consumer Decisions, Growing with Change

18 How the Cross-curricular Competencies relate to the CELs  Thinking  relates to CCT  Identity and Interdependence  relates to PSD & TL  Literacies  relates to C, N, TL, & IL  Social Responsibility  relates to C, CCT, & PSD (Refer to Renewed Objectives for CCT and PSD)

19 Who’s in the Driver’s Seat?

20 Learning Facilitator Meeting What would YOU celebrate?

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