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Goal 3 Stations Causes of the Civil War 3.01 Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War. 3.02.

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Presentation on theme: "Goal 3 Stations Causes of the Civil War 3.01 Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War. 3.02."— Presentation transcript:

1 Goal 3 Stations Causes of the Civil War 3.01 Trace the economic, social, and political events from the Mexican War to the outbreak of the Civil War. 3.02 Analyze and assess the causes of the Civil War.

2 Station 1 P 192-193 1.Describe the differences between northern and southern economies. 2.How did the proposal of the Mexican American War demonstrate sectional friction? The Wilmot Proviso? 3.Describe northern sentiments pertaining to the issue of slavery. 4.Define antislavery, proslavery and abolitionist. 5.In defense of slavery, what flaw of the industrial economy did the South cite?

3 Station 2 P194-196 6.What were the objectives of the Free-Soil Party? 7.Define popular sovereignty. Which parties supported it? 8.How did the Gold Rush impact the slavery debate? 9.What were the five parts of the Compromise of 1850? 10.What was the position of William Seward on the issue of slavery? Why is this described as radical?

4 Station 3 P 197-201 11.How did Stephen Douglas aid in the passing of the Compromise of 1850? 12.What were the requirements of the Fugitive Slave Act? 13.How did the North respond to the Fugitive Slave Act? 14.What were personal liberty laws? 15.What impact did the Fugitive Slave Act have on African Americans in the North? 16.What is the Christiana Riot?

5 Station 4 P 201-202 17.Define the Underground Railroad and the role of Harriet Tubman. 18.What role did the accounts of Henry “Box” Brown and Ellen Craft play in this period? 19.Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? How did its publication impact the slavery debate? 20.How did southern publications portray slavery? 21.The Kansas-Nebraska Act was intended to test which component of the Compromise of 1850?

6 Station 5 P202-205 22.Who were Border Ruffians and what were their goals? 23.Describe the how John Brown felt about slavery. 24.Describe the events surrounding Bleeding Kansas. 25.What led to the altercation between Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner? 26.How did the South respond? The North?

7 Station 6 P 205-208 Read the excerpt from Uncle Tom’s Cabin 27.Is this account of slavery favorable? Why or why not? 28.How did Millard Fillmore anger both Northerners and Southerners? 29.Describe the changes in the population due to immigration and land acquisition of the mid-1800s.

8 Station 7 P208-211 30.What was the position of the Know-Nothing Party on immigration? 31.Which old parties blended into the newly created Republican Party? 32.For what reason did Dred Scott sue for his freedom? What was Roger B Taney’s ruling? 33.What political race pushed Abraham Lincoln into the political spotlight? 34.What was Lincoln’s stance on slavery? 35.How did Douglas claim the issue of slavery should be settled?

9 Station 8 P212- 221 36.What occurred at Harpers Ferry, Virginia? 37.How was Brown perceived by the North? The South? 38.Who won the presidential election of 1860? 39.What candidates did the South support in the election? 40.How did South Carolina and other states respond to the results of the election of 1860? 41.What were Lincoln’s goals as outlined in his inaugural address? 42.What occurred at Fort Sumter?

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